10-05-2015, 05:42 PM
My town got almost twenty inches of rain over the weekend, most of which fell Saturday night. The volume and duration of the rain was frightening. It was heavier than I have ever seen in my 71 years, and it went on without letup for many hours. It was sobering. The NAtional Weather Service has designated the aftermath a Thousand Year Flood.
I woke up Sunday morning to 4" of water in my basement shop, a modest amount considering the volume that fell from the sky and the terrible flooding many in my town have experienced, but enough to make a real mess. My house was built in 1934. The water came through the old basemnt walls. My shop is in a new basement section we built when we bought the house 25 years ago and connected to the old basement by a corridor. The shop basement has been watertight. I've never had water in my shop before this weekend.
I started sweeping the water out of the shop door where it goes into a sump in my back yard, but I wasn't keeping up with the inflow. I switched to vacuuming with my shop vac and that worked better. After a couple of hours, I caught up and was able to keep abreast of the inflow. I kept it up until 11:00 P.M. when the flow slowed and I felt pretty good about leaving it for the night. This morning I went down and found that the water had not risen and the shop floor was still pretty damp, but not inundated.
I have always kept my tools well oiled and waxed. This afternoon, there was no evidence or rust developing, except in a couple of places where I had splashed water on machine tables. A little WD 40 and steel wool took care of those. Otherwise, there is no rust developing or any other apparent damage to my tools. I've never had much of a rust problm in my basement shop. I've never given it much thought, but now I'm pretty convinced that my obsessive cleaning, oiling and waxing my cast iron and steel tools is the reason. Because of that, I dodged the bullet from a thousand year flood. I am a happy and relieved camper.
I woke up Sunday morning to 4" of water in my basement shop, a modest amount considering the volume that fell from the sky and the terrible flooding many in my town have experienced, but enough to make a real mess. My house was built in 1934. The water came through the old basemnt walls. My shop is in a new basement section we built when we bought the house 25 years ago and connected to the old basement by a corridor. The shop basement has been watertight. I've never had water in my shop before this weekend.
I started sweeping the water out of the shop door where it goes into a sump in my back yard, but I wasn't keeping up with the inflow. I switched to vacuuming with my shop vac and that worked better. After a couple of hours, I caught up and was able to keep abreast of the inflow. I kept it up until 11:00 P.M. when the flow slowed and I felt pretty good about leaving it for the night. This morning I went down and found that the water had not risen and the shop floor was still pretty damp, but not inundated.
I have always kept my tools well oiled and waxed. This afternoon, there was no evidence or rust developing, except in a couple of places where I had splashed water on machine tables. A little WD 40 and steel wool took care of those. Otherwise, there is no rust developing or any other apparent damage to my tools. I've never had much of a rust problm in my basement shop. I've never given it much thought, but now I'm pretty convinced that my obsessive cleaning, oiling and waxing my cast iron and steel tools is the reason. Because of that, I dodged the bullet from a thousand year flood. I am a happy and relieved camper.
