03-28-2016, 05:25 PM
A friend wandered into my shop door today with a plane, said "Thought that you might know something about this, Keep it" and wandered out.
[img]/ssl_proxy.php?url=http://i1312.photobucket.com/albums/t538/oarlock/5%201-4%20%202016-03-28%20%203_zpsr0kui8gn.jpg" />http://i1312.photobucket.com/albums/t538/oarlock/5%201-4%20%202016-03-28%20%201_zpscdmrmfmr.jpg[/IMG]

It looks like a 5 1/4 Junior Jack (dimensionally), no frog adjusting screw and one piece twisted lateral level. The iron has a Sweetheart logo. What's throwing me is that the lever cap has a raised rectangular Stanley logo not the normal sunken logo: Could be from a transitional plane? I dunno: Help Please!

It looks like a 5 1/4 Junior Jack (dimensionally), no frog adjusting screw and one piece twisted lateral level. The iron has a Sweetheart logo. What's throwing me is that the lever cap has a raised rectangular Stanley logo not the normal sunken logo: Could be from a transitional plane? I dunno: Help Please!