04-07-2019, 02:33 PM
I just had to go back, when else would I have this chance. Do you know that feeling ? Well I bought something like this https://getagripandmore.com/products/sim...5366785110 The one I bought is just 10" long .For a good deal less. And of course, there is no maker's stamp .The poll had been used as a hammer, it had been mushroomed. But the old fellow, he had passed, that's why it was in the antique store, had done the shaping. It needs a haft as does the throw in 2 1/2 # Canadian pattern axe. No nicks or mushrooming. The 24" haft is wrapped with deluxe black duct tape. The 2 1/2 # had come from the factory painted red and has the weight stamped on the back of the poll. Maybe a Canadian made Walter ??? I won't say what I had paid, but it's the same antique store that I had earlier this week bought a double bitted axe, also a no-name,a Craftsman 2 1/4# boys axe and a Stanley #240 series mitre box. The mitre box tag was missing, so I couldn't get the which model.The mitre box is mostly rusted solid, a good test for skunk p***. Right now I'm deep into refurbishing axes so the mitre box will get some time for oil penetration. Maybe I better stay away for a while, but he said was looking at an estate sale lot of tools. They do know how to set the bait don't they.
A man of foolish pursuits