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Some years ago, I had two trees removed and the stumps ground away. Stumps were a couple feet in diameter or more and took from 2 to 3 hours to grind below the surface. Those machines were self propelled and had small 4 cylinder engines.
Younger son had several trees(honey locust) cut in his new yard, leaving half dollar to 2' in diameter stumps. He rented a stump grinder from HD. Toro 13 hp model fairly easily lifted by two men(even has handles built in).An hour for the larger stumps and it was easier to use a 12" demo blade on my Sawzall to cut the half dollar sized.
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Last stump I needed gone I cut close to the grounds and used hole hawg with a long auger bit stump was large but with all the holes rotted down pretty quickly. The plan was to fill with vegetable oil and torch with charcoal but the place rented before I had the chance
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Last summer i rented one that had a 26 HP engine on it, but a very small (to me) cutting wheel. This thing was self propelled, but closer to the size of a compact tractor. My worries about the small cutter not doing the job were miss founded. It did extremely well on the 20" or so stumps I had to remove. I intend to rent it again this year for some newly established stumps.
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The guy I normally refer clients to charges $2 per inch of diameter. Met another guy last week that charges $4 per inch...or $5 to clean everything up.
I know they are lower than other prices...but it really doesn't pay to rent a grinder at those rates.
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We had a big silver maple taken down a few years ago. We paid whatever the price the tree person charged. Our neighbor took down a ash tree, and hired some "really cheap guy" to grind the stump. Then next year he hired the same guy I did to "regrind" his stump. Sometimes you get what you pay for. My yard was already leveled and new grass established by then
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The new neighbor just took out about 25 large trees in the front yard, not sure how many out back. The kid has energy, he did it all himself. Many weren't small treas. Large oaks, poplars and sweet gums... 60ft? Some loblolly pines too. He considered having the stumps ground, too pricey. So he rented a bobcat excavator for a day and a half and pulled all of them.
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I kept encountering stumps from before I moved into the house. After excavating around them and using recip. saw on a few I called a stump grinder. There are guys online just saying 'send me a pic with the stump and a tape measure' and they'll send an estimate, cheap. I paid $50-75? and it was well worth it, would definitely pay someone to do it next time.
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theres always this way, to get rid of a stump,too.