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Hello everyone
I have a deck the I built with western cedar few years ago. I came one day not long ago about 2 years only to see that my wife had painted a section of with solid color. I didn't like it it was upsetting, she claim this is god's sent paint and the best that you can get. Just like I predicted to her it started to peel off six months later, and now it looks worn out. My question is using power wash can I stripped from the color? Or if there is any other way I can do that short of replacing the wood. I don't care how long it takes if power washing is the solution. It is not a paint that has sunk in the wood it's more like it covers the wood.
Your tips are greatly appreciated
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I would also start with the pressure washer but cedar is very soft and very prone to being torn up. Start far away and probably end up sanding it all in the end. Good thing is you can treat it with a coat of ready seal when done and it'll look great.
Ready seal has been the best stuff I have used for years and I just saw that depot is carrying it. It used to only be available at supply houses.
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You won't get far using a pressure washer in removing solid color stain from cedar decking. You are going to need a chemical stripper to remove the coating followed with a brightner to restore the woods natural color and neutralize the pH that has been raised by the caustic stripper.
Any free advice given is worth double price paid.
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Thank you woodenfish
The stripper would that to be applied with a brush and then power wash it?
Would you know the name of an appropriate stripper
Thanks again
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wood-bond-007 said:
Thank you woodenfish
The stripper would that to be applied with a brush and then power wash it?
Would you know the name of an appropriate stripper
Thanks again
Although I haven't used it, I've read on pressure washing forums the restore a deck system works pretty good.
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Chemical strippers are laborious, nasty caustic chemicals I try to avoid if the scope of the project is too large. You complained of a "section" of your deck was peeling. You might try doing a small area at a time to give you better control with your chosen product. I've tried a few and there were no real standouts for me to recommend. When my deck's finish started failing on a grander scale I gave up trying to fix and replaced the decking with composite.
Any free advice given is worth double price paid.
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Thanks for the replies
I did the frame with pt wood, there are 6 6X6 posts that r cedar the railings and deckings, stairs are cedar. So tha deck basically is covered with cedar. The surface areas are pealing so I want to believe that the stain is a just a layer that coveres the surface. I've learned there are two types of deck protection application for protection: one that sink in the wood and the other that act as a film that stay on top, this one is a of a later type.
Thanks again. Hope that I shed more light into my case