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I bought the Shark Guard splitter set for my PM66, along with the quick release handle (orange handle -- I'm holding it for the pic, which is why it is levitating). I tried to remove the existing threaded piece (see pic) -- it has a hex counterbore in the end -- but it wouldn't budge. I'm afraid to go harder. Suggestions? Anyone experienced this?
Aram, always learning
"Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.” Antoine de Saint-Exupery
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No direct experience with a PM, but that looks like a jam nut on threaded piece you want to remove. Did you loosen it? If you didn't, give that a try. If you did, I guess it's time for some PB Blaster on the thread, wait a while, wrap the end of the threaded piece a few times with a hard mallet, and then try loosening it again.
And what's that on the bottom of what I called the jam nut? Looks almost like some sort of set screw. If so, that's got to come out before anything else.
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The big jam nut is for adjusting the side position of the splitter mount and then locating it in place. The stud you are trying to get out will come out, but has probably been in there quite some time. PB Blaster or any penetrating oil will help. Rather than trying to use a little hex wrench on it, find another 3/8" 16 nut. Screw it on and then jam those two nuts together.
Then you can use a wrench on the inner nut and it should be easily removed.
The other option is to swap out the orange handle for one with a threaded hole.
If you don't feel comfortable with removing it, we can swap them out and I will get a female one on order for you.
Just drop me an email.
Oh and BTW, it is probably much safer to remove the blade when wrenching around it.
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Location: s.w. pa well i did find the manual for you it sure does seem that that a jam nut on a spanner nut
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Thanks, Lee! I was wondering if you were on Woodnet. I'll shoot you a PM momentarily.
Aram, always learning
"Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.” Antoine de Saint-Exupery
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The way this works is the large hex part is actually threaded into the casting. The spanner nut locks it into place at the adjustment depth needed. The head of that hex is drilled and tapped and takes the stud you see there. The head of that hex is also the splitter mounting surface.

I machine replacement mounts for these but instead of using a $40 spanner nut, I use a $1 nut as a jam or lock nut.
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On mine I dont use the quick release handle. Just a bolt.
Sharkguard was one of my top tool accessory purchases.
Once Favre hangs it up though, it years of cellar dwelling for the Pack. (Geoff 12-18-07)