05-28-2016, 12:13 PM
What are you working on?
05-28-2016, 12:25 PM
Steve K said: Pretty cool, Steve. Makes me think of a Banksia pod.
05-28-2016, 09:53 PM
Steve K said: Ken First of all, thank you very much! I don't really have any in process pictures so I can't help you there. However, I did shoot and upload some video to my youtube channel. I had to edit it pretty heavily in the interest of time but it does show the highlights. Here's a link to my channel if you're interested. My youtube channel [/blockquote] Thanks, Steve. I enjoyed watching your video. The work and the video are both excellent. Ken
05-29-2016, 06:52 PM
too many things to list.
here is one interesting restoration. An Ed Roos cedar chest. not sure of it's date. built by Ed junior at Forest Park IL. I know this because it had the tree brand inside. Im' thinking about 1930 ish. It was almost black with old finish /crud. 50 years of neglect. It had been stored in a garage for 20 years. The top was in the worse shape with pieces of walnut veneer missing, almost no finish and stains rings. I had to completely strip the top. luckily when I removed the Clock it had finish under it where I could see the original shine. I also had to recreate the bead work on the curly maple drawer face (only a 3" piece was left), and make some pieces where the carvings had been broken off. Oh, you couldn't even tell it was curly maple. I also repainted the gold in the panel work (after the intense cleaning I could tell it had been painted gold). The old lady that inherited the chest from her mother never saw it looking like this. Always thought is was just dark never knew it had burl veneer. She was extremely happy her husband didn't set it out for trash pick up like he wanted to. Had I known my self it was this nice I would have taken before pics. but I did not. I also polished the clock and replaced the mirror in front of it. I only had time to get one picture of it, as they came to pick it up in 5 minutes, I was still setting up for pictures. next time I will take picture before I call. The clock was also interesting. Never have I seen an electric clock with a starter knob for a fly wheel. The electric keeps it going but won't start it. Nice work ED.
05-29-2016, 08:20 PM
Sweet restoration. Looks to me that you did Ed proud.
05-30-2016, 08:16 PM
I just installed new mahogany gunnels on this canoe along with a general refinishing coming up.
And new coamings on this little Barnstable Catboat. But this last week I've been busy launching and rigging them. Jim
http://ancorayachtservice.com/ home of the Chain Leg Vise.
05-30-2016, 09:14 PM
Jim, that looks to be a large canoe. How long is it?
I spent much of my childhood and young adulthood in one design sailboats. I haven't been in one in many years, though. You post has warmed some pleasant memories for me. Thanks for posting.
05-30-2016, 09:53 PM
Those are great. I love the catboats!
05-30-2016, 10:04 PM
Hank it must be the camera angle as the canoe is just under 17' .
Glad it brought back happy memories. Jim
http://ancorayachtservice.com/ home of the Chain Leg Vise.
05-30-2016, 10:48 PM
Will be starting a swing leg table soon similar to one in this picture. Mine will be cherry with shaker style round legs instead of the colonial legs pictured.
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