06-11-2016, 11:02 AM
So here is a tip for woodworking nerds like me who wear white socks. No, not fashionable wool socks. Not sporty athletic socks. Just plain ole 100% cotton socks. In use, they wear out quickly because cotton lacks the durability of blended fabrics. What do you do with the old ones? If you are like me, you keep them in the back of the sock drawer. Someday, you might feel compelled to clean it out. I did today and found several surprises. Here is the list:
six pennies
one safety pin
one precious drawing on yellowed paper with "I love you dad" from one of my daughters
my college diploma from UNC (yes, it was in the sock drawer, and no, I do not know why, but it has been in a safe place and undisturbed for years).
It was time to clean out the drawer and remove all of the socks that passed their prime. Of course, these things are very handy in the shop. A clean 100% cotton sock makes an outstanding shop rag. Socks are easy to hold in your paw and are very absorbent. I really like them for wiping up glue squeeze out. Anyway, I found a nice dispenser for them in an empty juice bottle. With the top cut off, it makes a nice sized sock dispenser. Once I chug more juice, I have enough socks to put these in strategic spots all around the shop. Shoprags close at hand--what a dream! Realized at last...
six pennies
one safety pin
one precious drawing on yellowed paper with "I love you dad" from one of my daughters
my college diploma from UNC (yes, it was in the sock drawer, and no, I do not know why, but it has been in a safe place and undisturbed for years).
It was time to clean out the drawer and remove all of the socks that passed their prime. Of course, these things are very handy in the shop. A clean 100% cotton sock makes an outstanding shop rag. Socks are easy to hold in your paw and are very absorbent. I really like them for wiping up glue squeeze out. Anyway, I found a nice dispenser for them in an empty juice bottle. With the top cut off, it makes a nice sized sock dispenser. Once I chug more juice, I have enough socks to put these in strategic spots all around the shop. Shoprags close at hand--what a dream! Realized at last...
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