(02-11-2017, 10:59 AM)rschissler Wrote: I agree that guards should be used, but Joe is making it sound like the people using the Sawstop think they don't need the guard because of the safety technology in place.
Maybe Joe could visit non-Sawstop shops and report how many of those saws have guards in place? I suspect the findings will be very similar.
![Smirk Smirk](https://forums.woodnet.net/images/graemlins/smirk.gif)
I have already. I am not here to say we are all good stewards of TS safety on old technology saws. The point is however if that mindset changed this would be a non issue. That sir is my message
The irony of the situation seems to elude most everyone
All saws sold in the US require a
blade cover splitter/riving knife and anti kickback pawls including SS. The amount of the saws actually using them is
way beyond belief low. This is in both pro and hobby shops. How do I know this? I have seen a lot of shops over the years. I do not judge individually(although there seems to be a lot here somehow that think I am tiresome with the message) other than to say you would benefit from using a saw with the supplied safety features provided. Additionally, a simple google search for TS pics tells the same story.
If only people would stop attacking me for providing the message that
using the guards supplied would dramatically reduce the amount of TS accidents and look at the reality of what is provided is to date all that is required
then actually use the supplied guards, this entire discussion would be limited to a discussion about how nice it is to have a guard in place. Just think that when my ill placed fingers touched the properly mounted guard I was reminded
before I went any further of the fact that round thingy under that guard is spinning fast and I had best move my fingers before I LOSE THEM
Touch is a wonderful sense; one so sensitive that we know that imminent danger is upon us. Seriously, do you just hold on to something hot or do you drop it knowing it will continue to burn if you don't let go?
The same thing applies with the guard: If the supplied guard is blocking further advancement of your hand or fingers what are you going to do? Push harder?
![No No](https://forums.woodnet.net/images/graemlins/yellowno.gif)
I expect you are going to reassess the situation and move your fingers.......... Seems Simple enough to me
Which leads to the brutal truth : everyone has been conditioned that
we are MANLY MEN and we don't need no stinking guards bothering us
Then the really ironic part is someone actually does cut off a finger or three because they did not use a guard and all the sudden the TS gawd from on high has the solution with finger sensing technology and we can save what is left of our fingers. Additionally, we do not have to use those
STINKING GUARDS so we have in essence been saved from ourselves or at least that is how it is rationalized in our mind
Yes that is right the TS gawd is saving us from ourselves because we are too stubborn to realize how simple the solution is.
Let us not seek the Republican Answer , or the Democratic answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future John F. Kennedy