04-03-2018, 11:50 AM
So with the advent of LED 4' tube lights I thought it should be easy to make some light fixtures. So a year or so ago I purchased some tombstone fixtures and they have been sitting around the shop until about a week ago when I thought this could be a good project for my son and I. I found enough 0.5" plywood laying around to make 3 two light fixtures. I found some 1-2" wide scrap to run the length of the plywood to keep it from warping any more. I had 2 two light 500watt halogen light stands. We glued the hardwood strips to the back of the plywood and used the pneumatic nailer instead of clamps. He likes using the nailer. Then we epoxied the tombstones onto the plywood. I connected the wires to the tombstones and drilled a hole ion the plywood to send the wires to the back. We pulled the halogen lights off and removed the switch boxes. The switch boxes easily screwed toe the plywood and had a hole in the back to feed the wires. Used some plastic strapping to hold the lights on the stands and now I have light in my spray booth. I know my spray booth isn't exactly dust free but a place to contain the dust from overspray.