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So I discovered just only about a year ago that the recycling program in our town in central NJ only takes plastics with a 1 or a 2 in the triangle symbol. They started this program in the late 90s, and up until that point, I pretty much threw it in there if it was plastic and had that recyclable logo on the bottom. They used to do separate trucks and buckets for cans, bottles...etc in one bucket, and the other was cardboard and paper. They went singlestream a few years ago with same buckets/same truck.
So, looking at all the products I buy/throw out with 6's and 7's on it, I wonder if the manufacturers just aren't using better plastics that can be reused, or is my town just not taking enough initiative to recycle these other plastics?
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I live in Bridgewater in Somerset County and the county accepts #1 - #7.
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I think ours takes everything except for #5?...but it is something I don't think we ever have.
More concerning, is they don't take glass.
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I found you need to revisit what they take every couple of years. Our city didn't go a good job of letting us know things changed and some things that I have been throwing in the trash now can be recycled. It all depends on how their system is set up.
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#1 and #2 go in the toilet, the rest goes in the trash.

We don't have that plastic program here as far as I know unless you haul it yourself...somewhere. I think the cities around here do it though- I see the two different colored trash cans they have.
We have to pay/hire our own pickup service. The competition is good- makes it cheap.
What's the number rating mean? I thought plastic was plastic?
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If we took it in, we'd hafta haul it fifty miles, and that just ain't happenin.
Several years ago the city closest to us pulled the drop containers that some recycle company had set out for people to fill and they would then send a truck by every so often to pick up.
The amount of trash that people threw on the ground there got to be to much. The lot looked bad, and the city had to pick the trash up so they just told the co to pull em out and not put them back.
So we have *no* recycling going on.
I miss the days of using my dinghy with a girlfriend too. Zack Butler-4/18/24
The Revos apparently are designed to clamp railroad ties and pull together horrifically prepared joints
WaterlooMark 02/9/2020
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I live in central NJ and if it is plastic or glass it goes in the bin and I will let them sort it out. I did my part. Cardboard and news paper gets tied up and put out too. Yes they use to sort in different bins and now everything goes in one truck and I guess they sort at plant.
John T.
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What types of plastics do we collect?
Curbside recycling also includes an assortment of #1-#7 plastics
Residents are asked to rinse out all plastic containers. Plastics can be identified by checking the bottom of containers and looking for the number inside the chasing arrows
recycling symbol. Plastics that can be recycled at curbside include:
Yogurt and margarine tubs.
Deli or salad bar “Clamshells”.
#3-#7 plastic containers.
In addition, you can recycle the following plastics curbside: soft drink bottles,
water bottles, juice bottles, sports drinks bottles, mouth wash bottles, and plastic
containers used for milk, water, juice, cosmetics, shampoo, dish & laundry
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About 30 years ago when recycling first came to our area a friend of mine said that he wouldn't have any room for dishes in his dishwasher after he put all the recycling in it.