Never fails...mark a BIG "V" across a bunch of boards, the make sure they all are line up, go to glue them up....
And none are in the right place
At least, all the defects are where I can clean them up..
Came time to trim the ends, had a few small bad spots...
Went from 40" long to 38-5/8" long....cut list..
Called for 39"....close enough....width? went from 24" wide down to 21-5/8" wide....list wanted 23-1/2" Will just have to do.
Trying to level the surfaces...jack plane first...
Diagonals to level the glue joints....then the big guy was put to work..
Then came back with a #3 to hit a few trouble spots...Beltsander to level the underside of the top.....brand new 80 grit belt.
I'm soaked, crampy, and very sore in the right hip.

Will see AFTER a trip to the store with the Boss...

..about laying out for the re-sized bottom shelf....
Stay tuned....have to re-figure a few sizes in the cut list....