A while back, I received a mailer bag with 2 chunks of Rosewood....mainly to repair or replace a couple handles on a few planes....Traced around one Jack plane's tote, and roughly cut out a copy.....then, while watching the Furnace guys install a new furnace for the house..
Got to looking at the cutoffs from sawing the replacement tote....thought that maybe a sliver would do a small repair to that tote...
I planed the 2 mating surfaces as best I could..then some glue and a clamp...letting it sit a day...
Well, we now have HEAT in the house! Went to the shop for a spell, today...shape and sand, shape some more, sand all the old finish off...sand some more..had a Dremel with a Flex shaft, and a large sanding drum for the Dremel.....finally, had to open up the spot for the bolt's head ( one piece bolt, war era type 3) that the repair had almost covered up..Got it marked out using said bolt....Then, a brace and bit to open it up...then sand again.....then a coat of Gunstock stain..
Will let this dry overnight....then maybe a top coat?
Millers Falls No. 14, Type 3.....I also have a Craftsman version...almost the same age...
Has the wrong knob, and is missing a chunk of horn....should be able to replace the missing horn...but maybe try to turn the correct knob? Without a lathe?
Hmmm..more fun. Drill a hole, clamp a knob sized blank in the drillpress...and see how that spins out. As for that rough blank of a handle? Seems I have a Stanley #5 that could use a new tote?
Stay tuned...
Got to looking at the cutoffs from sawing the replacement tote....thought that maybe a sliver would do a small repair to that tote...
I planed the 2 mating surfaces as best I could..then some glue and a clamp...letting it sit a day...
Well, we now have HEAT in the house! Went to the shop for a spell, today...shape and sand, shape some more, sand all the old finish off...sand some more..had a Dremel with a Flex shaft, and a large sanding drum for the Dremel.....finally, had to open up the spot for the bolt's head ( one piece bolt, war era type 3) that the repair had almost covered up..Got it marked out using said bolt....Then, a brace and bit to open it up...then sand again.....then a coat of Gunstock stain..
Will let this dry overnight....then maybe a top coat?
Millers Falls No. 14, Type 3.....I also have a Craftsman version...almost the same age...
Has the wrong knob, and is missing a chunk of horn....should be able to replace the missing horn...but maybe try to turn the correct knob? Without a lathe?
Hmmm..more fun. Drill a hole, clamp a knob sized blank in the drillpress...and see how that spins out. As for that rough blank of a handle? Seems I have a Stanley #5 that could use a new tote?
Stay tuned...
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that