03-13-2021, 09:46 AM
Daughter lives in Stuttgart Germany; she contacted me about stains on the floor. Checking with the brain trust to see what can be done.
Apartment was renovated and had new floors when she moved in last Summer. I can't determine from the pics if the flooring material is traditional tongue-groove hardwood or an engineered hardwood in some species of oak. As I look closely, the knots in adjacent pieces lead me to believe it's likely traditional.
Daughter was ironing and somehow spilled some of the water out of the steam iron onto the floor. She put the steam iron away and wiped up the water using a towel. The water was on the floor for a few minutes. Several days passed, and now there are some stains where the water was on the floor. She tried to remove the stain using a Magic Eraser (I've already told her to not do that).
Pic 1
It's obvious to me the tannins in the wood reacted to something. The water in the steam iron was tap water, and I think most modern steam irons use plastic water reservoirs, so I it's not obvious to me that it's a likely source of dissolved iron to cause that discoloration.
Does anybody know of any product that can help lift these stains? I can't recommend sanding, even light sanding. Daughter and son-in-law have no experience at that and so the risk is too great, particularly if this turns out to be an engineered hardwood floor.
It's also obvious to me that the flooring has a less-than-resilient finish on it, but I can't control that.
Any ideas?
Apartment was renovated and had new floors when she moved in last Summer. I can't determine from the pics if the flooring material is traditional tongue-groove hardwood or an engineered hardwood in some species of oak. As I look closely, the knots in adjacent pieces lead me to believe it's likely traditional.
Daughter was ironing and somehow spilled some of the water out of the steam iron onto the floor. She put the steam iron away and wiped up the water using a towel. The water was on the floor for a few minutes. Several days passed, and now there are some stains where the water was on the floor. She tried to remove the stain using a Magic Eraser (I've already told her to not do that).
Pic 1
It's obvious to me the tannins in the wood reacted to something. The water in the steam iron was tap water, and I think most modern steam irons use plastic water reservoirs, so I it's not obvious to me that it's a likely source of dissolved iron to cause that discoloration.
Does anybody know of any product that can help lift these stains? I can't recommend sanding, even light sanding. Daughter and son-in-law have no experience at that and so the risk is too great, particularly if this turns out to be an engineered hardwood floor.
It's also obvious to me that the flooring has a less-than-resilient finish on it, but I can't control that.
Any ideas?