Reduced - liquidation continues, very nice pair of Geo H Bishop saws.
#8 - 26" - 10 point Crosscut, progressive rake, sloped gullets, fine finish, taper 0.012 - 0.028 - toe relaxed - good etching - toe relaxed - fresh sharpened w records
Early, scarce - #8 - 28" - 5 point RIP - thumb hole handle - progressive rake - taper 0.016 - 0.030 - good etching - fresh sharpened
w records
selling for $160 + sh/ppf for the pair, could be picked up in southern Indiana near Louisville. Also listed on craigslist.
#8 - 26" - 10 point Crosscut, progressive rake, sloped gullets, fine finish, taper 0.012 - 0.028 - toe relaxed - good etching - toe relaxed - fresh sharpened w records
Early, scarce - #8 - 28" - 5 point RIP - thumb hole handle - progressive rake - taper 0.016 - 0.030 - good etching - fresh sharpened
w records
selling for $160 + sh/ppf for the pair, could be picked up in southern Indiana near Louisville. Also listed on craigslist.