Knife Display Case
Nice work, Jim! But what I really want to say is superb job on those knives. Something to be proud of.
Aram, always learning

"Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.” Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Web: My woodworking photo site
One last set of pictures....

I put some trim on the sides of the display case with the for the sole purpose of hiding the cleats from view.  I didn't think they would be that noticeable as you came in the door but they really grabbed your attention first thing.  The trim matched the case very well and blended right in and was hardly noticeable. THAT was my intent.  I installed it with two sided tape yesterday, just to see how it looked.  I brought the compressor and pinner in today and tacked it in place.  Turned out well.


The last pic is this one.  I spent Sunday working in the shop as well... but as a maid.  I did some detail cleaning on the benches, tables, and the rest.  Picking up and sweeping up, putting away small items left out and throwing away trash.  Then I moved some roll around tool away from the wall to sweep and discovered some mice had chewed into the spray foam.  I used Tina's miracle bug spray and went around the shop and sprayed a wide stream around the perimeter.  This morning I found a large number of the beetles that plague Oklahoma and one mouse.  I repeated the spray pattern. 


Shop looks nice, so I guess it's time to start the next knife project.  A stag hunter I think.
Jim in Okie
You can tell a lot about the character of a man -
By the way he treats those who can do nothing for him.

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