I received the following just a short while ago:


Hello! New entry was published on 360 WoodWorking. Visit it by following next link:


Regards, 360 WoodWorking team.

I will be checking out, too!

Blog: Sandal Woods - Fine Woodworking

Frank Klausz, to The Schwarz (WIA 2010): "...If YOU guys keep doing what you’re doing, this thing is not gonna die..."

360 seems right. They turned around and started something new, that was the same as what they were doing before.

Now, what Popular Woodworking did to these guys sucked, but I don't see this idea taking off...
Peter Brown

I can fix that...




$9.95 per month / $100 per year. I am sure this will be exceptional. But I am already participating in another paid video site. Several of these will get really expensive.

I am thinking this site would have to generate a minimum of $200,000, 2,000 subscriptions per year to support the 3 people and the on going production costs. It takes a LOT of time to create blogs and hi-quality videos.

I do wish all the best to these guys. I am sure they went into with open eyes and have done the math many more times than us.

I just do not have that kind of money to spend.
Bartee ><>

I guess that's my problem.

There is already a huge decline in paid magazine subscriptions. And so now guys who have a print back ground are going to try and generate revenue from a website with articles and videos?

YouTube is the only website I know of that already does revenue sharing. Why, don't these guys produce free content for YouTube and generate revenue like others do? That way, we the viewers will watch them more, and they will make more money.

I'd personally rather watch a 15 second ad for a 2 hour video than pay $10 a month for it...
Peter Brown

I can fix that...


$10 a month (or $8.33 if you do the subscription) is a steal to get the plan, the text &amp; the video in one shot!

creatingsawdust said:

$10 a month (or $8.33 if you do the subscription) is a steal to get the plan, the text &amp; the video in one shot!

That is how I am looking at it too. Plus in the years I have known Glen, Bob, and Chuck to my knowledge none of them have created a single piece of Campaign furniture. I like their style, think they are class guys, and know they can teach, and convey thoughts as well as any out there. Plus given the proper $ incentive there isn't anything on earth they couldn't make from wood. I think it looks like a steal.
Worst thing they can do is cook ya and eat ya


Steve N said:

Plus in the years I have known Glen, Bob, and Chuck to my knowledge none of them have created a single piece of Campaign furniture.

What is wrong with Campaign furniture?
kludge said:

I guess that's my problem.

There is already a huge decline in paid magazine subscriptions. And so now guys who have a print back ground are going to try and generate revenue from a website with articles and videos?

YouTube is the only website I know of that already does revenue sharing. Why, don't these guys produce free content for YouTube and generate revenue like others do? That way, we the viewers will watch them more, and they will make more money.

I'd personally rather watch a 15 second ad for a 2 hour video than pay $10 a month for it...

Well, I guess 360 isn't for you then.

Bartee said:

$9.95 per month / $100 per year.

I don't see why anyone would pay for this content at all. With similar (and likely better) content available on the web and TV for free, why pay for it?

I fear they will be like so many other woodworking websites that crop up and flame out. I wonder if we will be talking about them a year from now?
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