08-10-2015, 08:37 AM
I am such a klutz much of the time. Trying to do things too quickly .. knocking over parts, or even a completed piece. Don't you hate it when you do this, and dent an edge?

Step #1: wet the section (or not - not as important as the next step, but this wood is hard) ...

Step #2: use a wet cloth and a hot iron (I have my own, discarded from the house, and kept in the workshop) to steam the dent out ...

Step #3: a light scraping and there is little evidence of the insult ..

Regards from Perth

Step #1: wet the section (or not - not as important as the next step, but this wood is hard) ...

Step #2: use a wet cloth and a hot iron (I have my own, discarded from the house, and kept in the workshop) to steam the dent out ...

Step #3: a light scraping and there is little evidence of the insult ..

Regards from Perth
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