08-16-2015, 03:24 PM

Had to do some yard work this morning, and the wife was still finishing the 'paint-the-chair- thing she had started....so I disappeared into the garage when I finished(I don't much like painting). Grabbed a chunk of the Pignut Hickory I milled last year off the shelf and came up with this one. The bark inclusions inside the heartwood were a pleasant surprise....it'll give the piece a lot of 'what-the-heck-is-that-hole-doing-there' conversations!
Finished with three coats of 'shine juice'. I might give it a once over with the rattle can lacquer, but I don't know yet?
Scott (hard as a rock) B
I do have unlisted larger stock not listed on the website. We are always making new blanks, you should stop and take a look!