
Turning club tonight and the challenge was to bring something with a cover. The first two shots were from last night and fairly early in the turning. I took the picture just in case something happened...well I probably jinxed myself. I was 99% done, everything was done including applying the finish except for making the base and you can see I didn't have much left to do of that. My last step was taping it to the bowl plate and removing the tail stock for access. Where I %^&*ed up was not turning the speed down. I pulled the TS out of the way and everything was good, for about .02 seconds and while I was lowering the TS to the ground the lathe started vibrating wildly and I could hear the tape flapping. I got the lathe turned off and started searching for the shrapnel .
I'm pretty bummed out I didn't think to turn the speed down.


Oh man! That was looking really good.

Ouch. Glad you weren't in the line of fire!

Mike67 said:

Ouch. Glad you weren't in the line of fire!

+1 on what Mike said.

To me it looked really thick on the sides and thinner towards the bottom so maybe that helped it as well.


As of this time I am not teaching vets to turn. Also please do not send any items to me without prior notification.  Thank You Everyone.

It is always the right time, to do the right thing.
Bandsaw it straight across and have a good cross sectional view of the profile.
"Mongo only pawn in game of life."        Mongo
Mount all that to some backing, put a frame around it and hang or sell it as art.

Some people are like a Slinky. Not really good for anything but still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs.

A dead enemy is a peaceful enemy. Blessed are the peacemakers.
Don't worry, your not by yourself! I just did the same thing with the vase/weedpot i posted earlier. Didn't tear things up as much as yours, but was able to shape it a little different. Just waiting for finish to dry on it.
I hate it when that happens!! Glad none of it got stuck in ya
Steve K

Glad you didn't get injured, I always remember Neal Addy's advice. never ever under any circumstances make that last cut. I would glue it all back together and put it in a prominent shop space. You are not alone.

ABC(Anything But Crapsman)club member
I swear, Teacher, the lathe ate my homework...

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