09-09-2015, 12:32 PM

Turning club tonight and the challenge was to bring something with a cover. The first two shots were from last night and fairly early in the turning. I took the picture just in case something happened...well I probably jinxed myself. I was 99% done, everything was done including applying the finish except for making the base and you can see I didn't have much left to do of that. My last step was taping it to the bowl plate and removing the tail stock for access. Where I %^&*ed up was not turning the speed down. I pulled the TS out of the way and everything was good, for about .02 seconds and while I was lowering the TS to the ground the lathe started vibrating wildly and I could hear the tape flapping. I got the lathe turned off and started searching for the shrapnel

I'm pretty bummed out I didn't think to turn the speed down.