10-03-2015, 12:21 PM
I was at the WIA show last week end. I saw and tried several of the shooting planes out.
Up to this point I haven't been to much of a fan. Haven't seen a reason for one. Just a note: I do have a Lion trimmer. But I did see a lot of uses for one and am considering one. The size equivalent to a #6 is what was being used. What size planes are the most popular here for a shooting board.
Please do not respond with bevel up and LN 62s and so on. It will only muddy the water. I am just asking about size.
Also most of the shooting boards had the plane traped so that the cutting pressure couldn't push the plane away during the cut. Would a bedrock flat side work? It can be trapped fairly easy and I can make the top of the side parrellel with the bottom very easily. Actually I have seen a couple of baileys with flat sides and I can do that also.
Thanks in advance.
Up to this point I haven't been to much of a fan. Haven't seen a reason for one. Just a note: I do have a Lion trimmer. But I did see a lot of uses for one and am considering one. The size equivalent to a #6 is what was being used. What size planes are the most popular here for a shooting board.
Please do not respond with bevel up and LN 62s and so on. It will only muddy the water. I am just asking about size.
Also most of the shooting boards had the plane traped so that the cutting pressure couldn't push the plane away during the cut. Would a bedrock flat side work? It can be trapped fairly easy and I can make the top of the side parrellel with the bottom very easily. Actually I have seen a couple of baileys with flat sides and I can do that also.
Thanks in advance.