10-30-2015, 06:40 PM
Which may not seem to be hand tool related, but it really is. 'Cause I sold my Steel City 40615 6" jointer and my Bosch 4100 contractor table saw to make room. Which further means that I will be using more hand tools instead of those tailed demons. Actually I wasn't using them much anyway, so they won't be missed.
And in the "turnabout is fair play" category, I'll be using some of the funds to buy my wife a few things she wants. And I don't have any ulterior motives; no, really I don't.
At least none that I hope she discovers.....
That is all. Carry on.
And in the "turnabout is fair play" category, I'll be using some of the funds to buy my wife a few things she wants. And I don't have any ulterior motives; no, really I don't.

That is all. Carry on.

True power makes no noise - Albert Schweitzer. It's obvious he was referring to hand tools