11-15-2015, 11:30 PM
Finally got around to installing my new Delta faucet in the kitchen. It was a bit of a thrash getting the old stuff out and the new stuff in, but to be expected. Turned the water on and saw a drop fall from the hot water line. Wiped it off and waited. Sure 'nuf another drop fell. Finally figured out it was the valve on the hot water supply, a hairline crack through the body. Ran to the store for a new valve before they closed for the evening. Got that installed and noticed a bunch of spots suggesting the joints under there weren't as tight as they needed to be. Tightened a bunch of those up, then spotted leakage around the sink strainer. Deferred that until today. Took off the drain pipes and then tried to get the big nut off that holds the strainer. Tried to simply turn it off and ended up just spinning the strainer in the sink. Had daughter hold the strainer with the handles of a pliers inserted in the drain and a wrench between the handles to give her leverage. No go. Next tried heat, but still no joy. Running out of patience so figured strainer was expendable. Some fellow on the 'net with more luck than me suggested using a Dremel cutoff disk. Went through a couple of disks with hardly scratching the surface of the nut. Finally got out my 4" angle grinder and made short work of the nut. Was able to pop it off once it was cut through with the grinder. Back to the big box for more parts. Got the new strainer in and so far it looks like everything is holding water. Told daughter if this keeps up we'll eventually have a new kitchen.