Hey guys. I'm looking at picking up a horizontal router table mostly to use as a slot mortiser. I know someone will chime in telling me how easy one is to make but I simply don't have the time so for the sake of this discussion making my own is not an option. In the commercial market it just doesn't look like there are that many available. I see a MLCS version, A Woodhaven version and then I would jump up to something like a JDS multi router. Am I missing A small maker that I just don't know about? Does anyone have any experience with any of these units?

Lee Valley has the WoodRat

Closer to me they make the Router Boss

I've never seen a WoodRat, but due to his being local I have seen the Router Boss quite a few times. It will make any joint you want, but I was of a mind it seemed like a ShopSmith..........Spending a lot of time switching it to do this or that.

Let me know what you end up getting Dave. I understand you can build one too, BUT........

I've seriously considered just trying the MLCS deal to see how much use I would get. If I found it invaluable I may think about building, or upgrading.

Glen amd Bob had Lewis over to PWW a few times IIRC I had seen him so often I really can't remember where all of them were.
Worst thing they can do is cook ya and eat ya

You said time was an issue but you didn't mention money.... Festool makes a great slot mortiser called the Domino.
"Boy could I have used those pocket screws!" ---Duncan Phyfe

I'll have to take a look at the Router Boss. For some reason I always thought of that more for dovetails which I cut by hand. The big thing I need here is efficiency and speed which a basic slot mortiser set up will get me.

I tried a Domino that a friend of mine had. His was the basic domino and not the XL. I have considered the Domino XL but I think if I start looking at the cost of that I would probably just spend the extra money and buy a JDS multi router or try to find a used slot mortiser somewhere. This is one of those tools I will use none stop for 4-6 weeks and then I may not use again for 6-8 months. At any rate I haven't completely ruled out the Domino but for me this will kind of be a 1 trick pony since it isn't a tool that will be used for the majority of my work. By the time I buy the cutters I need along with the dominos and all the other BS that goes with it I will easily be at $2k for a Domino XL. At that point it would take a whole lot of time to recoup the cost. I would also need to build some fixtures to get it to work well for what I am doing. I am a big fan of Festools innovation I just have a hard time swallowing some of the prices.

As for an overarm router, while they have their uses for me it will not do what I need. The best use I can think of for an overarm router is for making gooseneck moldings. I already have a pretty efficient method for that using my router table.
I had a leigh FMT and a used wood rat. Both worked well but we're quickly sold after I got the domino. I'm just a hobbiest so take it for what it's worth, but from my experience nothing is as fast or easy to use. Price is the only downside.
I had contemplated a horizontal table router, but gave up the idea Thanksgiving morning when I picked up an over arm router.

The RU-50 is basicly a stationary plunge router. With the help of a fence, mortises should be a breeze.

As long as the stock will fit on the table, it should be able to do the job of a domino. At over 600 lbs, the RU-50 is NOT portable, but I was willing sacrafice the portability of a domino for the cost savings of the RU50.

The RU50 set me back what a systainer assortment of cutters and tennons, would have.

The following video gives a basic idea how it works. The one I picked up is only slightly diffrent from the one in the video.

Mine has a single phase 2 hp motor, and rectangular steel tubing on the bottom of the base that runs from the back, and extends out the front. The tubing provides more stability, than the earlier version shown in the video.

My .02

I have a Domino and the XL may be just what you want. It's a great tool for M&T if you are willing to go with loos tenons. But you can't use it for decorative edging for large pieces.
A friend has the MCLS and as a straight slot mortiser it is great; but angle adjustment isn't great for using it for decorative work (ogee or a straight bit to make any angle edge).
I got the Woodhaven Woodhaven 6002 Horizontal Router Table & 3.5" Angle Ease and like it a lot. It's an excellent slot mortiser and like the domino the slots can go in at any angle.
You might want to take a look at the wood rat although it appears to be optimized for dovetails.
I've seen a demo of the JDS and it doesn't seem to do anything that the Woodhaven will not do; although its more of a production machine.

I'm embarrassed to bring this up but a few years back I saw plans for a CNC that could act as a slot mortiser but I've no idea where and I can't find an online reference.
homo homini lupus
"The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity." Yeats
Si vis pacem, para bellum
Quodcumque potest manus tua facere instaner opere Ecclesiastes


I'm embarrassed to bring this up but a few years back I saw plans for a CNC that could act as a slot mortiser but I've no idea where and I can't find an online reference.

Other than maybe a taller gantry this should be pretty much an issue of inputting the right command information and a slot mortising bit.
Let us not seek the Republican Answer , or the Democratic answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future  John F. Kennedy 

Woodworker's Supply has the Matchmaker.
I'd check craigslist for a JDS Multirouter. It's a long shot but I've seen a couple in my area for around $2000 with lots of templates. Which still sounds expensive to me but it may be worth it to you.

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Horizontal Router table

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