01-18-2016, 04:54 PM
I have a question,no wait two questions.I was trying to turn a bowl this afternoon and had a heck of a time hollowing it.Walnut,about six inch's across and two inch's deep.I had it mounted with a dovetail in the chuck with a tapered center in the hole from the worm screw I had used to turn the base and sides.There was catch after catch.I tried fast and slow,push cut and pull cut.I was using a new round carbide cutter.Sometimes as soon as the cutter would make contact,I would have a violent catch.I just don't know what to do.This is far from my first bowl so I am at a loss.Also,how do you guys get rid of tear out? Again ,fast,slow,push and pull cuts with a brand new cutter.Sanding takes forever and I hate sanding.

Well shama lamma ding dong to you too......