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How important is pretty vs. evergreen? I think the nicest looking shrubs are not often evergreen. But here are some ideas from both categories:
*Silky dogwood (though not evergreen, has a VERY fibrous root system if soil stabilization is your goal).
*Mid winter fire dogwood (just saw these for the first time in Seattle a couple of weeks ago at the Washington Park Arboretum...beautiful in the winter...but not evergreen and over 4')
*Holly is a good option
*Arborvitae. Not my personal choice for 'pretty', but some people love them and there are cultivars that will meet your 4' goal. Of if you sheared it every year you could get away with a taller cultivar
*Yew. (ditto on comments above)
*Virginia sweetspire - again, not evergreen, but certainly pretty.
*There are evergreen Azaleas.
*some of the Chamaecyparis (false cypress) also stay under 4'...though not too different in appearance than arborvitae if you are going for the shrubby stuff.
*Viburnums - several species and/or cultivars under 4'. Again, not evergreen, but beautiful flowers.
Several shrubs are quite invasive, so avoid the Asian honeysuckles, Privet, Buckthorn, Burning bush, Barberry, and autumn olive are the bad ones around here. Extension or Forestry should be able to help you rule out invasives.