I just retrieved a lowboy I constructed from storage. When my folks died, I didn't have a place to put this, but I just didn't want it in storage anymore. I built this from a photograph when I was 21. I had just completed my first big piece, a Townsend and Goddard blockfront secretary.
There was a photograph on the inside front cover of "Antiques" magazine of a lowboy for sale. I wanted one like it, so I put the plans together and built it. It has a lot of "new guy" mistakes, but this is it.

Overall appearance

Front view

Leg view. Good looking ball and claw. Clumsy acanthus.

Me, still wearing a High School gym jersey. The magazine can be seen on the workbench behind me.

That's where the idea came from.

Beautiful piece.
Very nicely done!
Semper Audere!
We're getting a real treat now that you've figured out how to post photos, Paul. FWIW, I don't see any obvious mistakes, nor any mistakes for that matter. Whatever ones you made you hid well

You were a talented 21 year old.


jteneyck said:

We're getting a real treat now that you've figured out how to post photos, Paul. FWIW, I don't see any obvious mistakes, nor any mistakes for that matter. Whatever ones you made you hid well

You were a talented 21 year old.



Nice work, especially for 21!

Keep posting photos, your work is great!
...Naval Aviators, that had balz made of brass and the size of bowling balls, getting shot off the deck at night, in heavy seas, hoping that when they leave the deck that the ship is pointed towards the sky and not the water.

AD1 T. O. Cronkhite

Martin S. said:

Keep posting photos, your work is great!

I'm working on upgrading my shop. I want a robust marquetry capability. For that, I need various fixtures, shelves, trays, and other sundries. Until that's squared away, I'm not really doing the cabinetwork I want to, and nothing to order. When the shop is ready, I intend to blog.
Here's a shot of some shelving I'm building for the marquetry portion of the shop. I've loaded it with paraphernalia (marquetry samples) to remind me why I'm doing it. Also, I'm breaking all my procedures regarding how I organize and construct my cabinets. I ran out of room and had to install before manufacturing was complete. I HATE that, but my back was against the proverbial wall.

Humorous photo from my remodel. A milestone; all my Sheetrock was up. I also took a pair of 12" Chanel lock pliers to the head. No real harm done, but a dramatic gushing of blood.
Hey, nice work for any age, if you ask me. Ken


These have been around a ridiculously long time. I think they're older than the lowboy. I've got a pair of them to finish up.
I'm sorry, but I don't see anything wrong with that at all.
Philadelphia Chippendale lowboy

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