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Putting the cabinet against the wall doesn't work?
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You still need a trim board on the side of the cabinet against the wall. Walls are almost never plumb so if looks are important you need a trim board between the wall and cabinet. You scribe the trim board to the wall just like you would scribe a faceframe. The trim board doesn't have to be very wide, but it does have to be at least as wide as how much your wall is out of plumb over the height of the cabinet. I typically recess the trim board back about 1/4" from the front of the cabinet to create a visual break between the cabinet and wall, but that's personal preference.
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As mentioned, you still use a scribe. Its just a separate piece instead of an wider piece of faceframe. I typically make mine about 3/4" wide unless the out of plumb condition requires more. I make them dead flush with the box face as it simulates the box-to-box condition. Depending on circumstances, I attach them from inside the cabinet or from the outside.
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A 1/2" cove or 1/4 round molding will fill the space. It is not as elegant as scribing but that is what all the kitchen contractors do.
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