06-17-2016, 07:04 PM
As promised, I've had a good run of finding saws in good condition, and here are a couple that are the pick of the litter; worthy saws, each as a straight plate, cleaned and polished, and freshly sharpened, ready to go.
First up is a D-8 skewback, 8pt, 26", handle solid with no chips, nice etch, cleaned up really nice; plenty of plate depth, a few pics showing the sharpening process; this one took one forming pass and two sharpening passes with the file to get done properly, but its done right and cuts smooth and straight; Yours for $75 plus shipping, a nice saw; pics:

001 by Admiral N, on Flickr" /> 
003 by Admiral N, on Flickr" /> 
004 by Admiral N, on Flickr" /> 
005 by Admiral N, on Flickr" /> 
006 by Admiral N, on Flickr" /> 
007 by Admiral N, on Flickr" /> 
008 by Admiral N, on Flickr" />
Next is another D-8, this one with the etch that has the "8" inside the "D" and the Phila medallian dates this one between '96 and 1917, 9 pt, 26" handsaw. Plate straight, plenty of depth, freshly sharpened, cuts very well and tracks straight, handle solid, one small ship on underside of top horn, etch clear,; this was prime Disston production, very nice saw, in fact, a beaut. Yours for $85 plus shipping, pics:

001 by Admiral N, on Flickr" /> 
002 by Admiral N, on Flickr" /> 
003 by Admiral N, on Flickr" /> 
004 by Admiral N, on Flickr" /> 
005 by Admiral N, on Flickr" /> 
007 by Admiral N, on Flickr" /> 
008 by Admiral N, on Flickr" />
First PM with an unequivocal "I'll take it" gets priority, and include your shipping address in the PM so I can quote postage and print up a mailing label.
I don't have paypal, so payment by USPS money order please, unless I know you and then a check is just fine.
Two very worthy saws that will be exceptional users. I have a couple of panel saws I've not yet cleaned and sharpened, along with some more handsaws, so keep watching.
Thanks for looking.
First up is a D-8 skewback, 8pt, 26", handle solid with no chips, nice etch, cleaned up really nice; plenty of plate depth, a few pics showing the sharpening process; this one took one forming pass and two sharpening passes with the file to get done properly, but its done right and cuts smooth and straight; Yours for $75 plus shipping, a nice saw; pics:

Next is another D-8, this one with the etch that has the "8" inside the "D" and the Phila medallian dates this one between '96 and 1917, 9 pt, 26" handsaw. Plate straight, plenty of depth, freshly sharpened, cuts very well and tracks straight, handle solid, one small ship on underside of top horn, etch clear,; this was prime Disston production, very nice saw, in fact, a beaut. Yours for $85 plus shipping, pics:

First PM with an unequivocal "I'll take it" gets priority, and include your shipping address in the PM so I can quote postage and print up a mailing label.
I don't have paypal, so payment by USPS money order please, unless I know you and then a check is just fine.
Two very worthy saws that will be exceptional users. I have a couple of panel saws I've not yet cleaned and sharpened, along with some more handsaws, so keep watching.
Thanks for looking.
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Non impediti ratione cogitationis
Non impediti ratione cogitationis