I started on this one shortly after the first one had some problems with a bark inclusion. See this post for details.

This one went much faster and no surprises. Hawthorne, 12.5" long, raw tung oil finish.

True power makes no noise - Albert Schweitzer.       It's obvious he was referring to hand tools

Nice, very nice!
Thanks,  Curt
"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards."
      -- Soren Kierkegaard
Very , I like it. This is something I am going to try very soon. I have to pick up a Mora Knife one of these day's and then I am good to go.


Thanks for the kind words, everyone. Steve, I bought a Mora knife but didn't use it much on this project. I used a couple of carving gouges, that little drawknife from Lee Valley (that's a sweet little tool that works great for shaping the exterior), rasps, and a Veritas chairmaker's scraper. Oh, and I can't forget my most well-used carving tool, 36 grit sandpaper.
True power makes no noise - Albert Schweitzer.       It's obvious he was referring to hand tools

I do have a couple gouges, might need to look into the the veritas drawknife, I have a 10" Greenlee. I do have plenty of sandpaper now , bought a 10# bargin box last month.

Thanks for the suggestions !

Very nice shape on that one. I like the curve on the handle, especially.
Steve S.
Tradition cannot be inherited, and if you want it you must obtain it by great labour.
- T. S. Eliot

Tutorials and Build-Alongs at The Literary Workshop
Nice, clean design and beautifully executed. I like it a lot!
Nice work. It looks like it should function well.

Looks finger lickin good Kevin. Patients and persistence pays off.
The A side is positively wicked, the B side is muddled in comparison. Looks like 2 different pieces. Did you not spend much time on the back, or is that a trick of the photography and the difference of convex/concave?

Either way the form is awesome
Worst thing they can do is cook ya and eat ya

Second Spoon

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