I just picked some up from what I read it is supposed to be pretty good stuff but curious if anyone has first hand knowledge. The people at Woodcraft selling it aren't familiar with it yet so all the could tell me is what they were told
Phydeaux said "Loving your enemy and doing good for those that hurt you does not preclude killing them if they make that necessary."

Phil Thien

women have trouble understanding Trump's MAGA theme because they had so little involvement in making America great the first time around.


I have been wondering about that paint. Seen it in Woodcrafts mail outs, but have not tried it yet.

On Blackdog's website, it states that you should top coat it with their clear coat product, Guard Dog.
Bob10 said:

I just picked some up from what I read it is supposed to be pretty good stuff but curious if anyone has first hand knowledge. The people at Woodcraft selling it aren't familiar with it yet so all the could tell me is what they were told

Not firsthand knowledge but I'm also curious to know if this stuff is going to be competing with GF "Milk" Paint.

Little googling around suggests it is manufactured in Pittsburg, Pa. And checking on paint manufacturers in Pittsburg, "Gateway Paint & Chemical" company pops up. So do some others, but this one seems a good possibility. They advertise that they do private labeling. http://gateway-paint.com/gp_pages/gp_labeling.htm Heck could even be S-W but I think their manufacturing/distribution is in Fredricksburg.

The topcoat they sell is listed as a poly-acrylic (acrylic polyurethene and various other combinations of acrylic, poly and urethene as barfed up by Google). So probably nothing special.

/* begin wild speculation */
My guess (and it is JUST a guess) is that this stuff is intended to compete with General Finishes Milk Paint which is really an acrylic enamel. I'm thinking GF didn't want to give the sort of discounts WC wants. Or could WC be on the outs with GF in general?

Edit to add, it does, however, seem that the BD stuff is slightly more expensive than GF on regular price at Woodcraft.
/* end wild speculation */

Interesting thing though, Google can't cough up the MSDS / SDS for the paints. I'm a bit surprised at that.
Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things. -- G. Carlin

I will report back tomorrow my wife is doing the painting I will see it in the morning.
Phydeaux said "Loving your enemy and doing good for those that hurt you does not preclude killing them if they make that necessary."

Phil Thien

women have trouble understanding Trump's MAGA theme because they had so little involvement in making America great the first time around.


The paint covers pretty well in one coat although I think there were a few holidays so it will all get a second look. To be honest the problem I see with it is Woodcraft. Big display, top of the web page yet very little to none in the store. We find ourselves needing a second quart and are being told they may have a few cans next week. I will look at a few more stores in Norcal as I will be driving a bit this week. So as far as I can tell it covers well lays down nicely only short coming is availability, in hindsight I should have gone with general finishes because of ease of access
Phydeaux said "Loving your enemy and doing good for those that hurt you does not preclude killing them if they make that necessary."

Phil Thien

women have trouble understanding Trump's MAGA theme because they had so little involvement in making America great the first time around.


So tomorrow I am driving to the only other Northern California Woodcraft to buy all the Satin top coat they have in the store and a quart of the paint I need as the other Northern California store has neither, Really hard to understand launching and pushing a product when they have none to sell, oh and it is on sale this week too. Probably the last time I buy the paint as General Finishes is much easier to get
Phydeaux said "Loving your enemy and doing good for those that hurt you does not preclude killing them if they make that necessary."

Phil Thien

women have trouble understanding Trump's MAGA theme because they had so little involvement in making America great the first time around.

So ended up using this paint in 2 kitchens one in a vacant house that is still a work in progress and the other in a tenants place while they were in on vacation.  I have pics of the second one please excuse the crap on the counters as it is a place that was in use the day before we started and everything in the drawers had to go some place.  It started out as a worn light finished oak without any knobs or pulls so the finish was getting trashed from all the hands,  I added the hardware to keep hands off the cabinets in the hopes of making the finish last a good long time.  

[Image: 20160729_190516_zpsbbk8t6ur.jpg]
[Image: 20160729_190501_zpsc1ipdoa8.jpg]
[Image: 20160729_190443_zps6vubsilv.jpg]
Phydeaux said "Loving your enemy and doing good for those that hurt you does not preclude killing them if they make that necessary."

Phil Thien

women have trouble understanding Trump's MAGA theme because they had so little involvement in making America great the first time around.

I know this an old thread but I thought I would add my two cents. I purchased a quart of Black Dog white paint for a dresser I built. I started using it and it did not cover very well. It had primed the dresser before applying the paint but it looked to me that it was going to require 2 to 3 coats more to cover. At $33 per quart I decided I would go to Home Depot and buy a quart of Satin/White paint. When I started to apply the satin over the Black Dog I found the satin would not stick to the Black Dog paint! My only option now is to sand off the areas of the dresser that I used the Black Dog Paint on. 2 Painful lessons, First try the paint on a test piece and second at $33 a quart this stuff is no better then a much cheaper paint at Home Depot
I've used GF milk paint.  It covers well and dries with no brush marks at all.  It looks like it was sprayed on when it is dry.  It is rated for indoor and outdoor use.

It's one flaw is that it will scar easily (an issue with matte finishes everywhere).  I top coated with clear acrylic.

Unless the Black Dog paint is much, much cheaper I don't see myself switching from a product that works so very, very well.
No animals were injured or killed in the production of this post.
$33 per quart is very high indeed. Without trying the Black Dog or GF milk paint, I can't imagine they are any better or offer anything more than SW Pro Classic or Ben Moore Advance. I've brushed and sprayed a good amount of the Advance and it's a great product. I've been very lucky lately where I've picked up mistint gallons of Advance in off whites and blacks for $5/gallon if not free.

Anyone use Black Dog Salvage paint?

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