07-26-2016, 08:22 AM
I've got all kinds of bench planes stacking up, but my bride has got me busy with some cherry bathroom vanities. Stole some time last night and tuned up a nice #4. Japanning is 98%, plenty of iron, I reset the bevel on the Tormek and gave it a quick sharpening and get the following results, more attention to the iron will improve performance. Mechanically 100%, no cracking of metal, etc., rosewood tote and knob are solid and very nice, good mouth as well, pics tell the tale.........
Yours for $40 plus shipping......first PM with an unequivocal "I'll take it" gets priority and include your shipping address so I can print labels and quote shipping. I don't have paypal, so payment by USPS money order please, unless i know you then a check is fine.
Nice crispy plane ready to go. Thanks for looking.
Yours for $40 plus shipping......first PM with an unequivocal "I'll take it" gets priority and include your shipping address so I can print labels and quote shipping. I don't have paypal, so payment by USPS money order please, unless i know you then a check is fine.
Nice crispy plane ready to go. Thanks for looking.
Credo Elvem ipsum etiam vivere
Non impediti ratione cogitationis
Non impediti ratione cogitationis