Our house has 3 smoke detectors that were installed during construction (1998). They are hard wired with battery backup. I've always replaced my smoke detectors over time (roughly every ten years, or when I remember to
Big Grin ) but that was always the retro fit battery-only models. Do I need to replace these...I guess I can search the internet for some.
I started with absolutely nothing. Now, thanks to years of hard work, careful planning, and perseverance, I find I still have most of it left.

yes and if carbon monoxide I believe they tend fail sooner
Phydeaux said "Loving your enemy and doing good for those that hurt you does not preclude killing them if they make that necessary."

Phil Thien

women have trouble understanding Trump's MAGA theme because they had so little involvement in making America great the first time around.

Yes, the detectors inside age.

You must replace all with the same brand as different brands won't talk to each other over the third wire. (except if specifically noted).

Also, I think smoke detectors are considered toxic waste.
Rocket Science is more fun when you actually have rockets. 

"The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government." -- Patrick Henry

they are toxic waste improper disposal results in fines.  I have a box of them someday I will have to find a place to take them
Phydeaux said "Loving your enemy and doing good for those that hurt you does not preclude killing them if they make that necessary."

Phil Thien

women have trouble understanding Trump's MAGA theme because they had so little involvement in making America great the first time around.

They have a tiny bit of radioactive isotope in them if it's an ionizing type. Iirc Ameeicium or something like that. Most just toss them in the trash as there is no outlet to "properly" dispose of them. The optical ones are just electronics nothing hazardous in them.

     Also a good idea to replace every so often to reduce annoyance trips. They like to go off at 2 am for no reason.
The new ones have a lithium ion battery that is good for the ten year life of the detector. No more changing 9v batteries.
Bob, in my county, we have toxic round-up day once a month. Drive over to the dump and get in line. They take everything from you through the window or the open trunk and you never even get out of the car. Don't have to sort much either. They do it all.
Rocket Science is more fun when you actually have rockets. 

"The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government." -- Patrick Henry

I will have to look into it as I have quite the collection.  Going forward they have to be switched out every 10 or you are in violation as a landlord
Phydeaux said "Loving your enemy and doing good for those that hurt you does not preclude killing them if they make that necessary."

Phil Thien

women have trouble understanding Trump's MAGA theme because they had so little involvement in making America great the first time around.

When we looked into this a few years ago for our home, it ended up making more sense for us to just go with the battery only detectors.  One alarm going off is easily heard anywhere in the home, so there wasn't much reason to wire them all together.  Using the battery only versions cut costs and made it easier to replace them.

Verify this yourself, but I recall the dual sensor smoke detectors being best at detecting different types of fires.
Code requires wired plus battery backup plus wired together. I have them due to a remodel.
Rocket Science is more fun when you actually have rockets. 

"The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government." -- Patrick Henry
Hard wired smoke detectors

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