I need a jointer and decided to pursue an 8 inch however I can't make up my mind between the Jet, Grizzly and recently discovered Shop Fox. I liked the Powermatic just can't justify the cost. Initially I was leaning toward the Grizzly G0656 but saw the Shop Fox W1741 that can be purchased on Amazon with Free Shipping and no tax which makes this similar to purchasing the 8 inch Grizzly. The Shop Fox has parallelogram beds that are lever controlled. I don't have any knowledge of the parallelogram setup and preferred the crank wheel for adjusting the beds like the 8 inch Grizzly has but maybe that is not as big a deal with the parallelogram. Can anyone give me some advice on that as well as thoughts on Shop Fox. I noticed Shop Fox is very similar to Grizzly however Shop Fox has a 2 year warranty and Grizzly has a one year warranty. Thanks much for any help just trying to purchase a decent jointer for home use and only want to purchase once.