Looking for an opinion and price point on a new in box gray ridged jointer. From the picture, it looks like the box was never opened,  

and its still in the plastic. Concerned about rust etc. regarding the price. He is asking $400, which seems a little high, but not sure because
it's new.


For $400 I would hold out for a used 8". And I have an orange one that has served me well
Hmmm, they moved to orange at least 7 or 8 years ago, maybe more.  That machine sat for a long time.  It likely cost less then, than the current asking price now.  For that money keep looking, my gut tells me $200, as the orange models evolved with considerable improvement, at least from my inspection of them in the store.  For $400 or less you can get an old iron Delta in 6" in pretty good shape and likely some extra blades too.
Credo Elvem ipsum etiam vivere
Non impediti ratione cogitationis
NIB is still used as far as Warranty is concerned.  It might not be perfect out of the box with missing or bent parts, bad switch or motor.  $400 seems high to me.  I wouldn't go over $250.
"There is no such thing as stupid questions, just stupid people"
They switched from the grey color to orange when TTI purchased the rights to use the RIDGID Trademark back in 2003 so that makes that jointer at least 13 years old. As stated, way out of warranty for anything other than manufacturing defects which for the grey tools is Lifetime. If memory serves me correctly, sometimes it doesn't, that jointer sold for around $390 new back then. I also agree that the asking price is on the high side and would think somewhere between $200 - $250 is all its worth.
Thanks for all the responses. Still waiting for reply from seller.
I see used ones in good shape for 250 . They closed out pretty cheap ...like 299.

If it can't kill you it probably ain't no good. Better living through chemicals.


Closed out around here at $199, 50% off 399 reg price. I got lucky and got one

Mixed feelings on this. Yes, it could very well have been purchased as a close-out at Home Depot when the orange model moved in and may have been 1/2 price or less. But, there is no reason for the seller to pass this discount on to anyone. The discounted purchase price is irrelevant 

A few months ago, someone was asking about a used orange model. As usual, the 1/2 price arguments were made(by me as well) and as I recall the woodnetter lost the purchase and several woodnetters mentioned that "good" jointers were hard to find and prices were higher than you may usually think.

So, if the jointer drought is now over and 1/2 pricing is normal again then $200 may be OK for a used model in good shape but pretty far off target for a an unwarranted but new in the box unit.

If the OP has other real options or is willing to play the waiting game then passing on this at greater than $325 would be reasonable otherwise it may be a regrettable miss.

I certainly would NOT go $400 but I would consider $325. I would also ask the seller to open the box, assemble the machine, and demonstrate its functionality first.

I would never buy a pig-in-a-poke from a stranger. The box must be opened before I would even consider it at $50.

Great advice. Thanks
Gray Ridgid Jointer ( Update)

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