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Leave it open and let it dry out. Toss out in the trash.
To avoid the smell/fumes while such things dry I
set them out in the yard , under something to keep
rain out but air circulating.
Never had a problem.
Mark Singleton
Bene vivendo est optimum vindictae
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Mix it with cat litter. Bag it once it is dry. Trash day
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Don't you have a recycle center that will take it? Even my small town center takes in paint and other finishes. Will take a whale of a lot of cat litter to soak up what it sounds like you have. I know the paint they just mix altogether in a 55 gal drum and then sell for next to nothing whatever color it turn out at the time the barrel is full.
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Along the lines of the cat litter suggestion, one other medium to use would be sawdust.
I started with absolutely nothing. Now, thanks to years of hard work, careful planning, and perseverance, I find I still have most of it left.
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I've tried the kitty litter and sawdust. Seems to make it take longer to dry. and impossible to stir. One way or another the water or solvent needs to dissipate.
When I moved the previous HO left like 20 partial gallons of crap. There is no recycling center that doesn't charge around here and you're not supposed to mix it. At $5 a gallon I had to find a better way. for a while I just left the paint open with the lid cracked. Seemed to dry ok. Once my patience ran out, I left the can out with the lid cracked, but I also had a few lids of paper boxes. I taped the seams and every few hours when I walked by I would pour a bit of paint into the lid. It would dry in a few hours and I would pour in some more. Left in the sun, I could dry a gallon of paint in a day.
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Our monthly hazardous waste drop off doesn't take water based, only oil based. They said to dry it out (I used cheap car litter and it works great) and put it in the trash. No paint recycling businesses around here, but there are in some cities.
I had about 30 quarts and 30 gallons of paint the PO left me. Thanks pal!