Several months ago I bought some LED strip lights for a project. I'm finally going to install them. They've got a connector at one end that plugs into the transformer. The other end has a pair of bare wires. The outlet I want to plug them into is in the middle of where the strip will be. If I cut the strip in half and turn the one half with the wires around and cut the connector off and then re-wire it so that both halves are connected to it I assume it should work?

My guess would be that it will work, not even sure if you need to mess around with keeping track of the polarity. If your transformer is in fact just a transformer with AC out polarity should not be an issue. If it is a DC power pack than I would worry about keeping it strait. Just a guess, but I think you are approaching it right.
Somewhat missing the description...

Does the strip connect directly into the transformer? Most I've seen have a pigtail of some kind that you can use/not use as you see fit. Regardless, the strip should be DC so polarity matters. Do what you need to to get power from the transformer to the strips. Just WYE off the pigtail and connect to both strips. Most strips, you have to cut on designated lines in groups of three LEDS. So follow printed cut lines.
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if you hook up the plus and minus sides up to the transformer right, then it should work.

I wired up mine with wagos. I have 6 strips running off of the same transformer. There are 4 on one side of the transformer, and 2 on the other side. It doesn't matter electrically. They are made to be daisy chained, and it doesn't matter which end you feed power in on.
(11-29-2016, 06:56 PM)EricU Wrote: They are made to be daisy chained, and it doesn't matter which end you feed power in on.

That is true. You can even center tap the strip without a need for cutting. Just be judicious with the solder.
Rocket Science is more fun when you actually have rockets. 

"The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government." -- Patrick Henry
thanks thats what I thought. I'll cut them and just wire nut everything together. This will be adding light to attic storage, so it doesn't have to look the best.
Installing LED Strip Lights

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