(12-13-2016, 04:12 PM)Girk Wrote: My 14 year old grandson has taken an interest in carving -- something I know little about. What is the recommended knife and safety glove for a novice carver that age? I've been informed by my daughter that I should not get him a knife without also getting a safety glove, so the glove recommendation is important. Thanks.
I can recommend the Oar Carver, provided you are able to modify the cutting angle a bit.It is a little too "steep" to suit me and needs to be lowered considerably IMO....The steel they use in that knife is super..it is d-2, which was formulated as a "punch and die" steel..It is almost completely rust proof and holds an edge like no other I know of. Because it is so hard, it is hard to sharpen and diamond is what I use for mine.
I do think a fixed blade knife is best to start with...Mora makes a pretty good one for general whittling, but Flex-cut would be my choice for him...Keep in mind that no ONE knife will serve for ALL carving, but I would get him the smallest Flex-cut to start with. You can modify the fat handle to fit his hand.
......It MUST be sharp enough to leave a polished edge on end-grain pine or bass wood, and the Flex-cut will do that out of the box. The edge wont last forever, and he will need to know how to sharpen it or he will become discouraged and give up...Most people just give up because sharpening is beyond their capabilities {or so they think}. Some carvers never learn and have to pay others to sharpen their knives. Learning to sharpen is essential, IMO, but with proper instruction, determination and perseverance, anyone can learn...
If you use knives long enough, you can be SURE you will be cut.....If he can get past that fear {some people cannot} he can learn to carve. But keep band-aids handy...{I cut my thumb last week}

Ten stitches in my thumb a few years ago.
.....I suggest he get a "Twig Carving book" { Amazon,google it} and practice carving Roosters.. It will help him decide if he wants to pursue the hobby...And I suggest checking Youtube...there are plenty of videos and you can learn alot from them..