Any can't miss woodworking videos on You Tube? Now that I have a Smart tv, I am trying to expand my watching horizons.

I miss nested quotes..........

Depends on what you're looking for. There are several folks that are excellent in their particular area. I love Tim Yoder for turning videos. There's a guy that goes by Treebangham that has build alongs that I enjoy very much. Then there's the Woodwhisperer, Paul Sellers, Izzy Swan and a whole lot more. There's certainly no shortage.
Currently a smarta$$ but hoping to one day graduate to wisea$$
There are many and every level and type of building of everything. Lots of good content showing up on youtube and allot of it is quite well shot and edited some much better than networks do....
Frank Howarth
Matthias Wandel (note also on his website he has a long list of other people's sites to check out)
Jay Bates

These are quite different from one another. If you find someone whose videos you like on youtube, click on the "channels" tab from their page. That will give you a list of other youtube makers that person likes. This is more likely that the youtube algorithm (suggested for you) to match your taste.
From seeing in other posts, or searches I have done I have found a number of them I liked enough to want a copy. I use Freemake Video recorder it's a freeware, so they don't cut you off and demand payment on your 3rd use, it has never failed to record a You Tube video for me, is small in size, and the best it has not messed with any of my other programs, nor was it packed with a bunch of junkware. I liked it enough that I sent them some money for it. I've gotten quite the library.

You can spend a lot of time watching them if you don't set limits. DAMHIKT
Big Grin
Worst thing they can do is cook ya and eat ya

I am new to WoodNet so this seems like a setup, but I started experimenting with some wood shop videos last summer.

Playlist is here.

My target was/is the very beginner guy. Much of what we see online assumes a certain level of knowledge. I assume ground zero and mostly do it to entertain myself. 

Getting in front of a camera is different than you might think. Many of the people we see on TV and even some YouTube guys sure make it look easy.
Just because shooting fish in a barrel is easy, that doesn't mean there are some fish that should remain unshot.
FACEBOOK: #WoodShopWednesday
There are so many great ones.
A few favorites..

Curtis Buchanan
Guy's Workshop
Tom Fidgen
Richard Leon
Thomas Johnson (furniture restoration)
English Woodworker (mostly subscription)
Renaissance Woodworker (think he is a woodneter too)
Wood and Shop
Rob Cosman (hand tools mostly) does a very good job if you can get past the Eastern Canadian accent.[Image: wink.png]
Just because shooting fish in a barrel is easy, that doesn't mean there are some fish that should remain unshot.
FACEBOOK: #WoodShopWednesday
Worst thing they can do is cook ya and eat ya

To name a few good ones I watch
Wood By Wright
Paul Sellers
Carl Jacobson
Darbin Orvar
Wood n Stuff
Peter Brown
Pocket 83 and pocket 832
Chad Stanton

Unfortunately you will find a lot of videos on projects with pocket hole joinery. Borrrrrring
Woodworking Videos on You Tube?

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