I've just finished construction of a new workshop after moving from MN to TN almost 4 years ago and I have been shopless for way too long. The only thing left is to complete before moving in a few tools I kept when I moved is to Epoxy the floor, (I etched the concrete today and will apply the epoxy next weekend to give it a week of dry time). One of the things I want to do is build a permanent miter saw station. I have a Makita LS1013FL compound sliding miter saw which needs a very deep cabinet because of the slide rail length. I've come up with a design but I want to get some feedback on the practicality. Here is a screen capture of the Sketchup file:

[Image: mitersawstation.jpg]
The Sketchup file can be downloaded here: Miter Saw Station

I have decided to save time I will not build the cabinets myself. What is shown are Ikea Sektion cabinets which are almost as cheap as the cost of the material and hardware if I were to build them myself. I want the time it would take me to build them to work on other parts of the shop like installing dust collection and building a workbench.

I plan to use Butcher Block Work Bench Tops from Global industrial and install heavy duty t-track for a movable 48" fence on each top, (2 30x48 tops and 1 30x36 cut down from a 36x48). The fences will be made from 8/20 industrial t-track and 3" angle profile so I can move them forward or backward to position as fences or backstops for other projects along with using t-track hold downs and stop blocks. The center cabinet height will be cut down 4 1/2 inches so the Miter Saw is the correct height to be level with the left and right feed tops and also the Miter saw cabinet top will have a big gulp dust hood mounted under it and connected to an eight gallon steel drum dust separator with Rockler Dust Right 4'' Dust Separator Components.

Here is my material/parts list of most of the components excluding dust collection, the descriptions link to the part web pages:<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
  <col width="64" />
  <col width="535" />
  <col width="64" />
  <col width="69" />
    <td width="64">Qty</td>
    <td width="535">Part</td>
    <td width="64">Price</td>
    <td width="69">Extended</td>
    <td width="535">IKEA SEKTION Base cabinet with shelves/2 doors, white, Häggeby white 30x24x30</td>
    <td align="right">$89.00 </td>
    <td align="right">$267.00 </td>
    <td width="535">IKEA SEKTION Base cabinet with shelves, white, Häggeby white 15x24x30</td>
    <td align="right">$52.00 </td>
    <td align="right">$52.00 </td>
    <td width="535">IKEA SEKTION Base cabinet/6 fronts/6 low drawers, white Förvara, Häggeby white</td>
    <td align="right">$135.00 </td>
    <td align="right">$135.00 </td>
    <td width="535">IKEA LANSA Handle, stainless steel, 13 9/16, qty 2</td>
    <td align="right">$7.99 </td>
    <td align="right">$55.93 </td>
    <td>48&quot;W x 30&quot;D x 1-3/4&quot; Thick, Maple Butcher Block Square Edge Workbench    Top</td>
    <td align="right">$150.95 </td>
    <td align="right">$301.90 </td>
    <td>48&quot;W x 36&quot;D x 1-3/4&quot; Thick, Maple Butcher Block Square Edge Workbench    Top</td>
    <td align="right">$181.95 </td>
    <td align="right">$181.95 </td>
    <td>80/20  #1030 1.00&rdquo; X 3.00&rdquo; T-Slotted Profile - Eight Open T-Slots - 48&quot;</td>
    <td align="right">$28.35 </td>
    <td align="right">$56.70 </td>
    <td>80/20  #8236 Angle Profile: 3.000&quot; x 3.000&quot; x .250&quot; - 48&quot;</td>
    <td align="right">$24.03 </td>
    <td align="right">$48.06 </td>
    <td>80/20 #2026-Plain 10 Series End Cap with Push-In Fastener</td>
    <td align="right">$1.55 </td>
    <td align="right">$6.20 </td>
    <td>80/20  #3272 10 Series Push-In Fastener</td>
    <td align="right">$0.13 </td>
    <td align="right">$1.56 </td>
    <td>80/20 #3120 5/16-18 x 1.000&quot; Slide-In Flanged Economy T-Slot Stud</td>
    <td align="right">$0.13 </td>
    <td align="right">$1.56 </td>
    <td>Peachtree Woodworking Supply #1018 Heavy Duty T-Track 24&quot;</td>
    <td align="right">$12.99 </td>
    <td align="right">$103.92 </td>
    <td>Peachtree Woodworking Supply #1040 Heavy Duty Track Cross points</td>
    <td align="right">$10.99 </td>
    <td align="right">$65.94 </td>
    <td>Peachtree Woodworking Supply #978 Star Through Hole Knob 5/16&quot; x 18</td>
    <td align="right">$1.00 </td>
    <td align="right">$8.00 </td>
    <td>Peachtree Woodworking Supply #982 Female Ratchet Knob 3/8&quot; x 16</td>
    <td align="right">$4.99 </td>
    <td align="right">$29.94 </td>
    <td align="right">$1,315.66 </td>

So now my questions:
  • If you had your choice of Top material would you choose Birch or Maple?
  • Other than cost, what if anything do you see as a downside to this design?
  • Is there anything that you think I should do differently to improve the design?

"Well, my time of not taking you seriously is coming to a middle."

Instead of those long T tracks holding the fences I'd recommend a couple embedded T nuts in the top going into elongated slots attached to the back of the fence.  Its still adjustable and much cheaper and cleaner then T tracks.
WoodNET... the new safespace
I tried to download the Sketchup file but it doesn't seem to work. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or what.
Doing it right cost less than doing it over
(04-23-2017, 02:09 PM)Splinter Puller Wrote: Instead of those long T tracks holding the fences I'd recommend a couple embedded T nuts in the top going into elongated slots attached to the back of the fence.  Its still adjustable and much cheaper and cleaner then T tracks.

I'm more concerned about utility for multi-purpose use of such a large top area. I agree it would be cleaner but ultimately less useful for putting a hold-down exactly where I needed it. 

Do you have an opinion on Birch vs Maple?
"Well, my time of not taking you seriously is coming to a middle."
(04-23-2017, 03:00 PM)texaswally Wrote: I tried to download the Sketchup file but it doesn't seem to work. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or what.

It was drawn in Sketchup 2017. If you didn't download the file version for the version of SketchUp you have that could be why it isn't working. I also can't verify the file versions earlier than 2017 available in the 3D warehouse actually work. The 3D Warehouse creates those from the file I uploaded. What version of Sketchup are you using?
"Well, my time of not taking you seriously is coming to a middle."
I have Sketchup 2017 but my problem is I can't download the file. When I click on the link, I get a page that links to my computer. Thanks for your help. If I knew how to post a picture, I'd show a screen shot of what I get.
Doing it right cost less than doing it over
Here is the link again: https://3dwarehouse.sketchup.com/model/8...aw-Station 

If clicking on this version doesn't work try copying and pasting into your browswer. 

If you don't have something like Photobucket to upload pictures to share you can do it here for free: http://tinypic.com/

Once a photo is uploaded you can copy the URL labeled "IMG Code for Forums & Message Boards" and paste it in directly and you will see the photo when you preview or post.
"Well, my time of not taking you seriously is coming to a middle."
I love birch. Don't think you would have a problem with it. Either way get the cheaper one. Both would be great
(04-23-2017, 06:59 PM)Strokes77 Wrote: I love birch. Don't think you would have a problem with it. Either way get the cheaper one. Both would be great

Birch is cheaper but maple is less absorbent. You are making me lean towards birch though.
"Well, my time of not taking you seriously is coming to a middle."
Those are some heavy duty workbench tops you're looking at.  My guess is they can withstand way more banging and pounding than those ikea cabinets are designed for... so to me, get the cheapest one.
Building a Miter Saw Station

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