Hello from Denver, CO. I used to be on a woodworking forum a looooong time ago (12 years??), and I *think* it might have been this one, though I do not remember my login and the oldest posts on here are about 2 years. I do recognize a couple of the usernames around here.

I tried to get into woodworking back then, specifically lutherie, but got way too busy with work. Now I want to try something different to learn the basics on a budget: upcycling wood, mainly pallets, to try my hand at different things without breaking the bank with wood (and feeling bad when I screw it up).

Anyway, to my question. Back then I got TONS of awesome advice and info on hand planes on the forum, and I bought 3 beautiful vintage Stanleys from a forum member (I may be crazy but I think his username was something with "bear" in it). They were nicely tuned and reconditioned, and he even threw in a free spokeshave! I have NO idea who that was. Does anybody here fit that description? Or does anybody here sell them now? Or is eBay the only option these days? I'm asking because I'm looking to buy (at least!) one more plane for my shop.

See you around!

One of the forums here is "Swap-n-Sell."  Go to the "Active" level in the forum listing, and scroll down, and there it is.

What plane do you need, and why do you need it? When you get started in any kind of trade/craft work, there's a fine line between getting the tools you need to get started and buying a bunch of stuff because you think you should have it or it's cool or...

In general, once you have a basic kit of tools, it's better to learn what they can do and identify where you get frustrated as a guide to what to buy next.
Thanks, I'll check that thread. Right now all I'm looking to add is a jointer, which is used in lutherie (still my dream) and of course other tasks on long boards. The ones I have are smaller. I KNOW hand tools have a magic spell on me and I have to resist getting ALL these beauties RIGHT NOW.
I remember you from years ago and it is nice having you back.
As of this time I am not teaching vets to turn. Also please do not send any items to me without prior notification.  Thank You Everyone.

It is always the right time, to do the right thing.
(05-23-2017, 10:57 AM)shopMouse Wrote: Hello from Denver, CO. I used to be on a woodworking forum a looooong time ago (12 years??), and I *think* it might have been this one, though I do not remember my login and the oldest posts on here are about 2 years. I do recognize a couple of the usernames around here.

I tried to get into woodworking back then, specifically lutherie, but got way too busy with work. Now I want to try something different to learn the basics on a budget: upcycling wood, mainly pallets, to try my hand at different things without breaking the bank with wood (and feeling bad when I screw it up).

Anyway, to my question. Back then I got TONS of awesome advice and info on hand planes on the forum, and I bought 3 beautiful vintage Stanleys from a forum member (I may be crazy but I think his username was something with "bear" in it). They were nicely tuned and reconditioned, and he even threw in a free spokeshave! I have NO idea who that was. Does anybody here fit that description? Or does anybody here sell them now? Or is eBay the only option these days? I'm asking because I'm looking to buy (at least!) one more plane for my shop.

See you around!
Could it have been Rarebear?????? He reconditioned and sold planes and other tools in the S&S...
Often Tested.    Always Faithful.      Brothers Forever

Jack Edgar, Sgt. U.S. Marines, Korea, America's Forgotten War
Get off my lawn !

(05-23-2017, 11:37 AM)Timberwolf Wrote: .
Could it have been Rarebear?????? He reconditioned and sold planes and other tools in the S&S...

Sounds familiar.


I miss the days of using my dinghy with a girlfriend too. Zack Butler-4/18/24

The Revos apparently are designed to clamp railroad ties and pull together horrifically prepared joints
WaterlooMark 02/9/2020

YES! Thank you! It WAS rarebear! I'm afraid to ask... is he not around anymore?
And thanks for the welcome back.
Rarebear's (Johnny Kleso) website: http://www.rexmill.com/
Vince Ancona
WoodNet Moderator
Editor, Woodsmith Magazine
Thanks for the web address. I don't see anything on his site that he still sells planes. I'll shoot him a message though, and see if he can guide me to a good place.
Hello, and who sold me those cool handplanes???

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