So, my wife retired at the end of March. She got a wild hair on her butt & decided to clean up the house.
She doesn't trust me to clean up her stuff. She knows I throw out stuff if it hasn't been used
after 10 years. Either I throw it out, or it gets donated.

She is a major clothes horse. She has 4 large closets stuffed with clothes & shoes.
But, she's gained weight so a lot of them don't fit her anymore.
So far, we've donated 425 lbs. of clothes to Goodwill. (All practically brand new.)

We've thrown out several hundred pounds of trash.
Cleaning up yesterday, I found a bunch of my tools in her stuff.
She has a bad habit of "borrowing" my tools & not returning them.

In one box, I found a brand new mill file, 7 screwdrivers, my diamond hone set, my P-Touch label maker.
I found a bunch of other tools in different boxes. Why she grabbed those specific things is a
total mystery to me. I asked her why all my tools were in her boxes.
No answer.

So, I told her no more using my tools. She got pissed off.
Oh well, my tools, my rules.

I don't mind her using my tools, but I like them put back where she got them from.

Anyone else got a spouse like this?

She's really going to be pissed off, when she sees this thread.

Big Grin
Know Guns. Know Security. Know Freedom - - - No Guns. No Security. No Freedom

Guns are supposed to be dangerous. If yours is not dangerous you need to take it to a gunsmith and have it repaired.
Mine is respectful of the tools, as they produce things she orders.  She has similar traits, like throwing things out, but that stops at the shop, 25 years ago I drew a line in the sand, saying she is the boss of 95% of the house, my 5% is the shop and its off limits.  A bit of a fight at the time, but I stood my ground and that was that.  

Putting tools in locked cabinets might be your solution until you get her properly trained.
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I've been married for 39 years.  I can't even imagine the thought of my wife ever removing any of my tools from the shop.  Heck, I don't think she ever goes in there, except when looking for me.  Now if I leave a tool someplace where it doesn't belong, then all bets are off.  
If you are going down a river at 2 mph and your canoe loses a wheel, how much pancake mix would you need to shingle your roof?

My wife is very respectful of my tools. BUT we once had a cat who would throw up on any tool left out. This behavior trained me to keep them stored away most of the time. But little Dixie was persistent and she had no problem reminding me.
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LOML has a thing about tools. She gripes every time I need to buy a new one---most always to do a project she wants done.

She had no say what I bought when I had my remodeling company---so I have a LOT she still does not know about. As far as her using a tool----
No . My tools, I do the work(her idea).

(She has sewing tools I never touch to even out the continuum).
Big Grin
You do know she is going to be home a lot now and if you retire- all day- every day- for all the days on end?  Better learn to put on that happy face.  

 I wish my wife were more handy, then I wouldn't have to fix every dang little thing that isn't right all the time.

 But I do lock my shop and she has tools I bought her like a hammer, nails, pliers, crescent wrench, screw drivers, tacks, needle nose, string, tape and stuff in the catch-all drawer.
(06-08-2017, 06:21 PM)daddo Wrote: I wish my wife were more handy, then I wouldn't have to fix every dang little thing that isn't right all the time.

 But I do lock my shop and she has tools I bought her like a hammer, nails, pliers, crescent wrench, screw drivers, tacks, needle nose, string, tape and stuff in the catch-all drawer.

That's what gets me. I bought her a nice set of tools 20 years ago.
Even bought her a nice box to put them in.
Where's her tools? Stuffed way back in a closet.
Yesterday was the clincher. I found one of my Fluke meters in a box she had under her bed.
What on earth would she need with my Fluke meter?

I started putting my tools back in my tool chest yesterday.
Once they are all back where they belong, they will stay there.
I have the keys. She doesn't know where I keep them either.

Herb, how long were your tools gone? Wouldn't have been more than 10 years, would of it? I have the opposite problem of yours, whenever I can't find something I ask my wife where she put it. She usually tells me "its right where you left it."
Lots of days I wish she paid better attention.

Battle of the sexes, never ends and never will end, and drives those born with X and Y chromosomes to distraction, and the funny thing is the wimmen KNOW it drives us nuts but they keep on keeping on with this type of craziness. I just sigh, and say "yes dear."
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Cleaning up & finding tools...

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