Some of the treasures from last weekend needed to be rehabbed.   This may take a few posts, but here goes

Brought home  a few items
Stearns hinge gauge...just a wipe down, is all....
Spent $10 and change on this Stanley 6" sweep brace.....more on that in a bit..
Millers Falls No. 11, type 1....needed a cutter assembly, among other things..
Stanley No. 8......needed some work....
Had to fix the frog, and clean the plane up.  

A group of woodworkers had a get together over the  weekend.   Our host decided to clean out most of his "extras"....tools, and how ever much of his scrap wood pile we could load up.    I had about 1/2 a pickup truck load of Poplar and Maple, driver got the other 1/2 of the load.   Anyway, got a few things home that NEEDED rehabbed up.   The only item I paid for was the brace. the rest was given to me....

Next episode....
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that

Ok..wood pile first then on to the rehabs..
Two rows, even then this is about half of the hoard....
Brought back quite a few saws......one needed a lot of work
Handle and hardware was about all that was saved.
I had a backsaw...rivets that looked like bolts....cut those off, had to adjust a hole or two, but..
Looks a little bit better, now.   Old handle was loose, "new" handle is tight.  

Next episode...
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that
There was a few other saws in the mess....
Yeah, most of these will be torn down, good stuff kept, junk tossed
These two I'll work on later, have planes to repair..
Part that was broken off has been reattached to the No.8 frog
And the Stanley No. 8 Type 7 is now making shavings
And sitting in the til, next to a Stanley No. 7c, type 9.  

Stay tuned...
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that
Next up...a Millers Falls No.11
A Craftsman #3 was kind enough to donate a chipbreaker and iron.   It fit because Millers Falls also made it. 
The Craftsman now has another cutter.    next up for today...
Needed to clean up this old Stanley brace drill.   More of a shine up, than any repair
6" sweep.   May give my Millers Falls one a run for it's money. 

May find something to do with this...thing...
Not sure what, just yet. 

Two 1 x 10 x 72" planks are getting used to the shop right now.   One will get split down the middle, so I can build a pair of doors.    Already had a third plank on hand.    Needed to make a bit of room on the bench, before i try to saw the plank. 

Maybe in a few days, the Single Brain Cell Sketch Up will come up with a few ideas for that hoard of Maple, and Poplar.    We'll see.

Just a busy day in the shop.
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that
I'd be interested in hearing how you repaired that frog.

Bad experiences come from poor decisions. So do good stories. 

I got lucky with this one.   Had the broken off piece, and it was an exact match to where it broke off of.  

Got a tube of Gorilla Glue  Super glue.   "Heavy Duty"  Impact tough, 10 second set up time.   have to wait 24 hrs for full strength.   

I don't think it would fill any gaps, though.    I had to watch getting any near the lateral lever's rivet....didn't need that stuck in place.

So far, so good.   lateral lever works fine.   I don't intend to "stress" the joint, anyway.   

Might be worth a try?
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that
(06-20-2017, 08:59 PM)bandit571 Wrote: Got a tube of Gorilla Glue  Super glue.   "Heavy Duty"  Impact tough, 10 second set up time.   have to wait 24 hrs for full strength.   

I'm not a big fan of super glue. I've been thinking of trying the Gorilla Glue version to see how it works.  Good to hear it sticks. Thanks for the report.  Enjoy your build-alongs a lot!

I think that "thing" is a pretty uncommon Woodrough & McParlin patented keyhole saw.  All you should have to do is sharpen it.
Saw seemed to clean up decently enough..
Even found a bit of a logo....
Wondering how to bring it back..

As for that No.8..
Seems to be doing just fine..
Decent enough shavings.....paving the way for another type of plane..
Looks like I have work to do....
Show me a picture, I'll build a project from that
Good job on the #8. Hope your repair holds. If not, all is not lost. Lateral levers are nice but not necessary because you can always tap the blade into place.
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A Rehab day

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