02-08-2018, 08:03 PM
I have been wanting to make a piece that reflects my heritage " Celtic" I'm Scottish, Irish, Welch and English. I started this piece back in December it's 90% hand carved after turning the main body on the lathe. I'm calling this one "laochra aingeal" (angel warriors)
11" W x 12" T Sapele & Sterling Silver. I did take some help from a Dremel on this piece grinding away some large bits w/ a 60 grit drum sander, the rest I carved w/ the same tools I used on my other pieces and I got two new sets of carving tools for Christmas. Also for Christmas I got a new camera and some lighting I'm still learning how to use the equipment. C&C always welcome.
11" W x 12" T Sapele & Sterling Silver. I did take some help from a Dremel on this piece grinding away some large bits w/ a 60 grit drum sander, the rest I carved w/ the same tools I used on my other pieces and I got two new sets of carving tools for Christmas. Also for Christmas I got a new camera and some lighting I'm still learning how to use the equipment. C&C always welcome.
Jack Of All Master Of None
My 16' Cedar Canoe build http://www.clcboats.com/forum/clcforum/t...28426.html
My 16' Cedar Canoe build http://www.clcboats.com/forum/clcforum/t...28426.html