03-27-2018, 06:44 PM
I have several fixer upper quality tools... All prices are OBO
Worth Drawknife... see pitting. $20 +shipping
Made in USA Brace $10 + shipping
Wooden Plow Plane... It's in rough shape... I may have gotten too aggressive on opening up the depth stop mortise as it felt too tight to me... for some reason the skate isn't parallel to the plane body... There are some "bandaid" quality fixes to the locking arms. But with the exception of one iron with a crack where it was adjusted too hard by a previous owner, the irons are really nice. So basically the irons are for sale and you get a free broken plane body if you are interested :
$50 + shipping
More to come... 10 picture limit.
Worth Drawknife... see pitting. $20 +shipping
Made in USA Brace $10 + shipping
Wooden Plow Plane... It's in rough shape... I may have gotten too aggressive on opening up the depth stop mortise as it felt too tight to me... for some reason the skate isn't parallel to the plane body... There are some "bandaid" quality fixes to the locking arms. But with the exception of one iron with a crack where it was adjusted too hard by a previous owner, the irons are really nice. So basically the irons are for sale and you get a free broken plane body if you are interested :

More to come... 10 picture limit.