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for a change. A simple, little, Bedside Table...also out of Pine....Not sure IF anyone here would like to follow along...
Ripped a 2 x 10 piece of scrap Pine...leftover from the Bedframe build...into four leg blanks...
Ganged them up, and jointed away the saw marks..
BTW, those blanks are 25" long.
There was a 1 x 10 x 4' plank in the shop, to make a top for the table....cut it into two pieces, jointed the edges to make a glue joint..
Bead of glue on one edge, moosh the other edge back and forth in the glue, until it "sticks"...then apply the clamps and a caul...then laid out two 1 x 4 x 4's
And see where to cut these down at...to make a set of aprons....had a few bad knots to cut out...
That's a start...coming up?
 Taper the legs? bead and tenon the aprons? Maybe flatten the top, and joint the edges?
Stay tuned...and NO, it will NOT get painted...
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Legs have been tapered on the two "inside faces"
Normally, I do the taper with a couple hand planes..too hot in the shop, so the bandsaw rough cut the taper, then a plane or two would clean things up
Jack plane to get the high spots, then a few swipes with a #4c..
Cut out the big knots, and came away with four blanks for the aprons. 2 long, 2 shorts.
Top was out of the clamps, might as well flatten the faces, and joint all the edges straight and square..
Still have to mill the aprons, do a bit of Mortise & Tenon work to connect the legs to the aprons...corners of the top need rounded off....
Just a simple.little table..right?
And, IF you have some other wood to build this with, be my guest..
 ...using pine because that is what I have on hand...
Stay tuned
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Apron blanks needed ripped down to 3" wide...then jointed so they matched..
Since there was a few knots along a couple sides.....Laid out for some tenons...After I had run the bead cutter down a face side, and an edge
Mitre box was set for the shoulder cuts, then the bandsaw did the cheek cuts..
Which left the mortises to be laid out and chopped...that will be the next episode
Stay tuned..
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Mortises were laid out, to fit each tenon...some were thinner than others..meh
Top had been milled to shape, then set aside, out of the way..
Outside corner on each leg got a double bead...
Toys were laid out...a few other chisels would later show up, depending on how wide or narrow the mortise was to be..
Rinse, and repeat 7 more times...then a dry fit, to set up the clamps needed..
Then Supper time. Next episode? How about a glue-up?
Stay tuned...
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Trying to get this all caught up.....after Supper, had to haul the glue bottle down to the shop. And the camera...and a claw hammer that needed tightened up....
Tried to glue this thing right where it sat......didn't go too well.
 ...finally got it onto the flattest spot in the shop's floor..
A diagonal clamp to pull the top into square....moved this mess back onto the bench ( so people could walk by, and not hit anything)
More clamps...
 one leg was splayed out, the other splayed in...front two legs were wider than the back two...will let this sit overnight..while I pick dried glue off of me fingers.
maybe tomorrow, I can make the corner blocks to attach the top with? Maybe do a molded edge on the top? Then a NON-PAINT based finish can be applied
 We'll see..
Stay tuned...just a simple, little table...for MY side of the bed.
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such prolific output from you lately! How many hours a day are you spending in the shop?
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(06-01-2018, 03:49 PM)mound Wrote: such prolific output from you lately! How many hours a day are you spending in the shop?
Average is just about 3 - 5 hours, depending on how the back behaves....keeps me out of the Taverns..
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Not much got done today...
 got the base out of the clamps, made some corner blocks..
On the Mitersaw. Installed the blocks into the base..
With glue and screws...cut a slot to attach the top to the base..
After centering the base on the underside of the top...flipped top over, and ran a cove bit around the top edge...
Stirred a can of Golden Oak stain, and applied a first coat..
Then set it aside to dry for awhile. may need a second coat.
Just a simple, little table. Once the top is dry, I can flip the table on to it's top, and finish the rest of the table. Then maybe a coat or two of gloss poly?
Stay tuned..almost done..
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Put the table up on the bench, today. Cleaned things up, and added a coat of stain...
Everything got a coat, including the corner blocks..
Then the trash can was hauled upstairs
And out to the firepit...may roast some hotdogs, later
letting the stain dry, before a coat or two of Gloss Poly gets brushed on....maybe tomorrow?
Just a simple little table...
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I sure wish you were coming to my house in a few weeks and I am going to miss you buddy. So much you could have taught me.
I really do not know how you can do so much so fast. You should hire out to do work for people since you do so much.
As of this time I am not teaching vets to turn. Also please do not send any items to me without prior notification. Thank You Everyone.
It is always the right time, to do the right thing.