I’m relatively new to the unisaw world. Only had mine for a year or so, but it is a late 70’s model. I recently did some bevel cuts with it and found the adjustment back to 90 to be very stiff right at the last little bit. It is so tight that even raising and lowering the blade is very stiff. I’m sure that I have sawdust somewhere it shouldn’t be and that is causing my problems, but I can’t figure out where.
I have vacuumed the bottom and blown out in the top with an air hose at 90 and at 45 tilt and it is still very stiff.

I’d love some advice as to where the compacted sawdust may be that is causing my issues.

Thanks in advance.

Get a good flashlight and take some flexibility pills.

Look under the old gray lady's skirt and up hanging from the top you'll see some threaded rods that move some curved, toothed pieces when you crank the handles.

My bet is there's sawdust and resin on one of those parts and possibly old grease caked up on the bearings.

Don't use a "penetrating oil" because it could spread and stain any wood. I use a carb cleaner, etc and a brush to clean (and even more aggressive tools on caked stuff) before applying a good coat of white lithium grease (I use the spray can type).

Then crank away and see if it's any better.

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"Truth is a highway leading to freedom"  --Kris Kristofferson

Wild Turkey
We may see the writing on the wall, but all we do is criticize the handwriting.
(joined 10/1999)
Exactly, clean well, ,lube it up (I use a dry graphite spray) and you'll be surprised at how well it moves. I purchased a used Dewalt jobsite saw for half of what it was worth because the seller did not know how to clean it. A little cleaning, a good lube job, better than new.
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Cleaning out a unisaw

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