
Those of you who have been around here since the Jackson administration may remember that somewhere during the Jurrasic, I started working on a chess table.  Well, it's getting closer.  The pieces and board have been done for some years, and early last year I posted the near completion of the base and then later last year the completion of the drawers-and their fix.  Now, the top frame is almost done.  I'm very close.  When I get done, I'll post the construction of the frame because what I did was an interesting way to get max mileage from curly boards.

In the interim, here's this.  The mistake, and the fix.  There are two such mistakes, and two fixes, makeing for a nice way to indicate one which two of the four sides a player should sit without having to think too hard on "white to the right" and "which drawer are the dark pieces in?".

I've read (and have confirmed on another project) that the best way to preserve Paduak's color is oil with a layer of shellac.  What you see here is first coat of oil. Shellac comes in a week.  Then it will be several layers of Laquer.  Then, final board placement and drawer pulls.  Stressing over the drawer pulls, but I will probably do a riff on the same theme as the 'fix' below.

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No Good Deed Goes Unpunished


Great job on the fix! Looks like you planned it that way.

So much nicer than even the most perfect of miters would have been.  Stunning.

You are setting a new standard on length of a project.  I need to tell my wife, again, that a year, or two, is a perfectly reasonable time to wait.  


(02-26-2019, 10:05 AM)jteneyck Wrote: So much nice than even the most perfect of miters would have been.  Stunning.

You are setting a new standard on length of a project.  I need to tell my wife, again, that a year, or two, is a perfectly reasonable time to wait.  


MAKE: Void your warranty, violate a user agreement, fry a circuit, blow a fuse, poke an eye out...  www.makezine.com

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

I was going to say that padauk does not like shellac as the alcohol will dissolve the pigments and make them bleed. Oil first, though, is OK.
Chess Table Update

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