I’ve been working the last few months to build a veneer press large enough to do small table tops and panels. I used the directions from the Joe Woodworker site and bought my pump and related items from Joe. The frame size is 32” x 34” so I can press up panels about 26” x 28”.
I used a Kreg base for the table. The top is made of ¾” apple ply with ¾” MDF on top. I screwed them together from the bottom. I bought some laminate and glued it up with contact cement. This was my first project with laminate and it went together with no problems. The top is dead flat. I am using one half of the table for the press and the other half will hold my small lathe.
I want to try adding some marquetry and more intricate banding to my work. I think the press is going to be much easier to use than a bag for what I want to do. The press sealed up tight the very first try. It takes about 30 seconds to draw down and the pump comes on about every ten minutes. The pump only runs about 8-10 seconds when it cycles on. I am excited to do my first project in the coming weeks. Comments and questions are welcome.