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Hmmm, lets see....have a 3/4" x 2 x 2 sheet of pine plywood....and a similar sized 1/4" Luann plywood panel. There is a 3/4 x 4 x 6' pine plank....and a few extras.....
There is a stash of 1 x 1 strips.....maybe enough to "face" the edges of the 3/4" plywood.....wonder what I can cobble up?
maybe a stack of drawers? Ash fronts, pine sides and backs......Maybe use up most of the scraps? Wonder IF I should resaw some of these down a bit?
Will see what happens, later this week.....depends on how warm the shop gets....
Stay tuned....
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Ok...Plywood supplies?
A stack or two of Ash...
Couple longer scraps of Ash...
And a couple long pieces of Pine...
Along with a stash of 1 x 1s.....Might be able to cobble something out of this....
Stay tuned
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While I do have the Ash and the shorter Pine leftovers resawn to 3/8" thick....that seems to be as far as I'll get for a little while.
Spent almost 3 days in the Hospital.....seems I was having a severe Sugar Dehydration.....Blood Sugar count was above 600. Type 2 was the cause...and I never knew I was even that bad off.....Things like "cotton mouth", charlie horse cramps, eyes changing, always thirsty....added up. That pee every hour thing...
So, for the next few days, shoptime will be on hold, until I get this mess straightened out....and settled down....lots to learn.....have a Diabetic Doctor and a Food Doctor working me over, seeing the Family Doctor Monday....and see how things are going.
![Confused Confused](https://forums.woodnet.net/images/graemlins/yellowconfused.gif)
Little squares of Ash. Went from 9 blanks to 18....all need planed on the saw kerf side...
The 2 Ash long scraps....didn't go too well...1 x 6 is a bit too much to resaw...tried thebandsaw to finish the cuts....
Tried a new, 1/2" blade, even.....pure junk, DO NOT BUY THIS BLADE. Wound up going old school..(pine 1 x 6 sawed fine in the bandsaw, BTW)
Bandsaw did not like the Ash...kept going off line, despite the deep saw kerfs...
This was as far as the bandsaw could go....rest by handsaw.
I did start the Sargent #414c to level the playing field a bit.....Uncle Charles started in...had to stop. Haven't been down to the shop since....
Stay tuned, I am getting better, each day....fingers are getting sore, though...
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(07-17-2020, 10:35 AM)bandit571 Wrote: Spent almost 3 days in the Hospital.....seems I was having a severe Sugar Dehydration.....Blood Sugar count was above 600. Type 2 was the cause...and I never knew I was even that bad off.....Things like "cotton mouth", charlie horse cramps, eyes changing, always thirsty....added up. That pee every hour thing...
If you remember I said something to you on LJs a few years ago about how it all sounded like Diabetes. So glad that you can now take care of it and get rid of all the causes.
I am also looking forward to seeing what you make of all of that.
As of this time I am not teaching vets to turn. Also please do not send any items to me without prior notification. Thank You Everyone.
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Resawing with a bandsaw is a tricky thing. Tension, blade guides, and everything else has to be dead-on. The right blade, freshly sharp, helps a lot, too. That 1/2" blade seems like it has too many teeth for resawing. I usually go with a 3 TPI hook tooth. And even after everything is set up right, the blade is apt to follow the grain, especially if there's a knot. Resawing is a skill I'm still trying to perfect. Most of the time I just try to resaw extra thick and plan to plane off a lot of waste.
Steve S.
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Fella, you sure have had more than your share of health issues in the last few months. You need to take care of yourself; we depend on you to keep us educated and entertained.
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Been thinking something was up, because you had not posted in awhile.
Rest up, listen to the docs, etc. We like having you here!!
Mark Singleton
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Sugar count is much better (147) Rearend was getting numb from just sitting and laying around. Did a test drive in the shop....about an hour's worth, or when I started feeling tired..
The Pine 1 x 6 had been split, needed down the center planed flat, difference between the tablesaw's kerf, and the bandsaw's kerf...
Had a few planes to use...
(L-R) #414c, No. 4, T-10...and a MF #11...had one bad section...
Decided to just saw this off. Issues from cutting the kerf?
Had both Pine boards smooth and flat, I also did the same for the 2 Ash boards....I even jointed the wavy edge on both ( 414c) Ash boards
However...came time to split the other Ash 1 x 6....we have issues.
![Upset Upset](https://forums.woodnet.net/images/graemlins/yellowupset.gif) Had tossed the wide bandsaw blade in the trash, re-installed the 1/4" one. Seemed to be cutting along nice enough.....about 3/4s of the way to the end....motor on the bandsaw dies..
![Upset Upset](https://forums.woodnet.net/images/graemlins/yellowupset.gif) ..will not start, no smoke, no hum...barely moves the blade. ( I have a spare motor, just have to swap them out)...so....pull the D-115, 7ppi handsaw back out....and...
BTW, these are 7" wide, each. You can see where the 1/2" blade stopped, then the 1/4" blade....and finally the handsaw....will go back later, and plane all this flat and smooth.
And that was that...swept the floor, hauled the Laundry upstairs....and took the rest of the evening off.
Need to sit down, measure all the parts....moosh them around until a plan arrives. Hope the Single Brain Cell Sketch Up gets back on-line...stay tuned
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Most of the Ash parts have been flattened out.....bigger ones have had their edges jointed....at least the edges without a big knot in them.
Can't use the bandsaw right now. Motor died. Have a spare, just need to switch them out.....when I can get down that far....last time, I needed a floor jack to raise and lower motors.
tablesaw is buried under a pile of parts, plywood....need to clear the deck and get a few drawer front blanks milled to size. Worked about an hour in the shop, today. Shop fan was blowing right on me, too. Still got cramps in the left foot?
In Menard's yesterday.
![Rolleyes Rolleyes](https://forums.woodnet.net/images/graemlins/yellowrolleyes.gif) Happened to see a package of Kregg's bench dogs? And....they will fit the dog holes in my bench! Next Payday, I think I'll pick up a set.
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Tablesaw cleared for action...
6 drawer front blanks sized, and squared up..
A square for "scale"?
Strips milled for thinness
Milled 3 of them..3/8" x 3/4"....and used up one of them..
To make 2 side panels..
Still working out how tall these will need to be....can always make shallower drawers. Not sure about what this other panel will be, yet..
Might be a lid? Might be the back?
Stay tuned.....may do a few glue-ups, tomorrow....cussing may be involved
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